Silent Breath

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Most would call me a ghost. As hard as it is to accept, I am dead. I don't mind anymore since i've gotten the hang of it over the past few weeks.

But not so long ago, I was alive. I could breathe, walk, and interact with others like anyone else my age. I was eighteen and lived in Canada with my family. I was one of the most popular girls at my school. I had dated 23 guys in those four years, 22 out of lust and 1 that I loved. The one that I had loved moved to India and I never heard from him ever since.

It is pretty pointless to explain what I had looked like but some would want to know that I was actually pretty 'hot'. I had long, wavy brown hair with green eyes and sun-kissed skin. I had tall legs with full hips adding to my model-like figure. I went by the name of Preet, Preet Sidhu.

I spent most of my time in my room drawing, painting, and writing; unlike the 'normal' girls who groomed themselves all day.

To the world, I looked like an average eighteen-year-old but little did they all know, I was thirsty for love. True love to be exact.

I lived a life out of the ordinary.

This is my story.


I was alone at home sitting in front of my canvas with the curtains drawn open to let the summer breeze flow in. My hair was done up in a messy bun with a paintbrush through it to hold it up. I was wearing a light pink floral top with ripped skinny jeans and nerdy glasses resting on the bridge of my nose. I held a pallet in one hand and a paintbrush in the other whilst painting gracefully.

I was painting a tranquil garden with bright flowers and freshly cut green grass. My vision of the painting was clear in my mind and so was the scene of birds chirping ontop of a big tree. My ipod sat on my bed playing soothing songs which helped me relax and paint in peace.

As I continued to work hard, the phone rang downstairs.

I ran down the long fleet of stairs in my house of 8 bedrooms. The phone sat on the kitchen table beside a note by mom that read; "Keep the phone near you, your grandma will be calling from India sometime today. Love, Mom"

My family had gone out to my Aunts house to visit her son and his wife. I had begged to stay home to rest after a long night.

I read the note while quickly grabbing the phone and pressing the green 'talk' button.

"Hello?" I greeted.

"Preet how are you hunnie, its your Grandma speaking" She explained.

"Hi Grandma! How are you" I asked with excitement.

"I'm fine, I just wanted to tell you that the wedding preparations are underway. Everyone is waiting for your family to come and join us in celebrating"

"What wedding? Who's getting married?" I asked.

"You kids these days don't remember anything. Neetu's wedding for heavens sake! Tell your mom that we have arranged for your trip"

"Uh" I was so confused.

"Alright then, I'll call back later to speak with your parents. Take care, bye" She hung up.

Apparently my parents had planned a trip to India without telling me and we were to leave in about a week. We were attending my 'cousin' Neetu's wedding which I had no clue about.

Neetu was not really my cousin but we treated each other like we were. Our father's were both best friends from birth and stayed like that 'til now. Me and Neetu were also best friends from then, we played together all the time when I last visited India about 7 years ago. We shared all of our secrets and feelings with each other while my sister Navan dated Neetu's brother Raman.

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