Saturday 17th October

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I have literally just had the worst ten minutes of my life. My sister Brianna just came into my room, disturbing my beauty sleep. The first thing she said was, "Nikki? Nikki! Miss Penelope needs to pee-pee;and I do too!" Then I said,
"Go use the toilet then!" My reply was,
"But... but...the tooth fairy's gonna get me! Nikki, I am most definitely going to explode if I don't go potty!"
That was when the explosion happened. Brianna peed all over my brand new purple uggs, as well as my purple rug with flowers on. "Brianna! There is no dang tooth fairy! Next time the "tooth fairy" is in the bathroom, go into Mom's bedroom! Now my room is gonna smell of pee until the end of time!" Little sisters are so annoying, are they not?

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