>> Chapter 6 - Accidental Love - Stay <<

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Everything was still. The two wizards persisted to glare at each other with surprised looks painted on their blushing faces. Hesitantly, both Natsu and Lucy wanted to speak but no words seemed to come out. It was just the odd "uh..." or "I...um..." that managed to spew from their lips. Someone had to speak...and it was Lucy.

"It's true. I've liked you ever since the day we met. I've kept it hidden because I thought you wouldn't be interested in relationships..." She breathed, examining her stitches. The salamander sighed, hoisting himself off the tiled kitchen floor.

"Why do you think I wouldn't be interested?" Natus questioned, placing his warm hands on the blonde mage's shoulders. Lucy glared at him, trying to deduce his current emotions about the situation.

"Well...you're so wrapped up in adventure and travelling around that I thought you wouldn't want that kind of thing. I hesitated to tell you because I thought I'd get in your way..." A tear rolled down Lucy's face and was then wiped away by the back of Natsu's soft hand.

"I'd never really thought about love since Lisanna died. Until I met you..." The trembling dragon slayer admitted shyly. Lucy's heart pounded and goose bumps spread across her entire body.

"Well, maybe we can make this work huh? We see each other most days so it would work perfectly in my opinion," the blonde Heartfilia giggled as her face flushed pure red "and we are pretty open about this with each other. Why hide it?" Agreeing, Natsu nodded slowly. After a few moments of gazing into each other's eyes, the wide smile that we all know and love appeared on Natsu's visage - Lucy mirrored his grin. Lucy yawns and leans up against the fridge.

"Ya tired?" The pink-haired wizard asks plainly, smirking. She needn't answer, Natsu could tell. Humming to himself softly, Natsu gently carried Lucy back upstairs bridal style. The warmth of his body radiated onto the celestial wizard as he kindly lay her down onto her bed. Watching as his lover drifted off into slumber, Natsu couldn't help but smile to himself - he'd finally told her. Natsu stands promptly, taking a few steps across Lucy's pink-themed room, he suddenly heard a faint voice from behind.

"Natsu, stay." The blonde Heartfilia pleaded, her bronze eyes shimmering in the moonlight. He felt guilty. He had to stay with her, how could he turn her down? Nodding in agreement, the salamander collapsed beside Lucy. He was home.


Told you it would get better X3 Finally some real Nalu moments are setting in (sorry this chapter's slightly shorter >.<)

Big surprise in the next part, don't miss it ;)


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