Chapter one - my birthday

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Hi. I'm Megan, Megan hills. I am a complete nerd.
Today is my favourite day of the year. My BIRTHDAY!!

My birthday list

A cat
A new school bag
A new school pencil case
A new geometry set
A new camera ( if my mum and dad can afford it)
A new set of hair bands.
A new swimming costume
A new bike.
My little sister to get better.

I wish wish wish she would get better soon. That is my main present. The hospital say there is something horribly wrong with both of her kidneys. They say it's worse than they have ever seen before. I can imagine her the hospital with millions of tubes sticking out of her, my mum sitting beside her, with an anxious look on her pretty little face.I want a cat to try and forget about it all happening. I want it to be called Jeff for a boy, Emily for a girl.I would like it to be brown and white, so that it looks like my old cat,Steve. Oh. I have to go to school now 🙄 bye !!! Xx

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