Feel nothing

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Absolute bliss was far from the words in Stiles vocabulary. It's more of "Death" or "My intestines will probably be ripped out of my body and the man will wear them as a necklace" kind of thing. The wolf was going completely mad like the mad hatter from Alice in Wonderland, but this wolf was foaming from the mouth. Every sound was screaming to him, enhanced hearing from a wolf will make anyone's ear bleed. When Stiles took a breath or moved to get in a better position Derek would start to growl and snarl, making Stiles hold his breath like what people did when they watch a movie if someone is under water.

Stiles almost died in Finding Nemo.

The teenage boy tried multiple times to calm the wolf in its beta form but it was no use, the wolfs head was probably pounding so hard he could barely manage the words forming. It's just noise. Must be scary, like he was the only one left. Scared of what could come next. It's just fight or flight mode right now.

"It's okay Derek- oh jeez you can't even understand me now, can you? Great. Stuck in my own house with a rabid alpha wolf chained up on the floor. Yup, I hate my life" Just his luck maybe.

The more sounds Derek heard the more Derek fought against the chains. At one moment Stiles thought the werwolf might actually break the chains and run out into the street killing everything in its path. Or his path.

'Think stiles think' The words were rapid in his brain. He can't get too close in case he might get bit, should have put duck tape or something over his mouth to prevent him from chewing someone's leg off. By now the chains are pulling apart so much that the pressure will soon collapse than the chains will fall into dust.

Stiles searched around the living room before going up stairs and retrieving a baseball bat, Derek couldn't keep this up forever, can he? The bat is just for percussion in case the wolf actually did break the chains.

There was than a snap like metal being crushed.

Nice job Stiles, you jinxed it.

Before the rabid wolf could even think about getting up and making a dashing escape, the wooden bad mad a hard Thwak! Against Derek's skull, sending him to the wooden floor beneath both the boy and man.

He knew it would come in handy.

The front doors doorknob turned and there greeted a very confused puppy eyes Scott with no Allison behind him. Probably going on a hunt.

"The hell Stiles!" Screeched Scott, a soft whimper commencing from his throat. That was his alpha knocked out, Shit.

"He broke the chains! What else did you think I would do? Say 'hey buddy old pal, please don't eat me!' Or something like that?" Straight forward sarcasm was all that was coming out of Stiles mouth at this point.

"Could have waited maybe?"

"Waited for me to die, yeah sure Scott good idea"

"Alright! Just get him up. Allison is dealing with some evil spirit things and I didn't want to get into that with her." Both boys than scooped the over grown lap dog under his arms and dragged his ass out of the house, Stiles could feel the oddly shaped broken bone scrapping his sides, his stomach turned from it. That has got to hurt like hell.

The boys made there way down the dark road till Stiles stopped catching his breath.

"So, where are we taking this stupid dog?" Asked Stiles glaring at the emotionless body around his shoulders.

"Hey be nice, he's still my alpha. We are taking him to the Hale house, I think in the basement he's got unbreakable chains and shit." Scott answered still pushing forward. Great, more walking.


Scott and Stiles reached the Hale house in about thirty minutes, if you count off the smartass comments and bickering they would have made it in ten. But life doesn't always go as planned.

Scott dragged Derek the rest of the way into the creepy basement, or what Stiles likes to call "torture chambers"

Fun memories here that's for sure.

"Nothing like the Halloween spirit in a house full of dead people. Right Scott?" Scott was three seconds away to ripping his best friends tongue off at this time.

"Stiles. Please just get that other chain and hook it up to his wrist okay? Than you can go home and watch porn for the rest of the night."

"Well I can't now because I'm with the biggest boner killer alive!Stiles pale finger pointed at the unmoving Derek hale corpse. Scott just rolled his eyes and scoffed.

The pale boy unwillingly placed the chains onto the werwolf's wrist than took a huge step back away from him, waiting for Scott to finish putting a collar around his neck. It transformed Derek's beta face back into him normal grumpy self. Good, but still frightening.

"Is he uh..going to be okay here alone?" Asked Stiles sensibly. Yeah his night was a total blow but he didn't just want to leave him here.

"Nah, I can stay-" Stiles quickly interrupted Scott's sentence.

"No no. Derek knew I was with him when this started" he than sighed " So I might as well finish the job. I don't want him to freak out when he wakes up hearing another voice" not that he didn't when it started.

Scott simply nodded than patted his friend on the back "Call or text me if something goes wrong"

"Will do" Stiles waved him off. A thin smile stretched across his lips before it fell, that was probably a bad idea. The more Stiles thought about it slowly he wanted to leave more and more. Maybe this wasn't great, he should go. Derek could take care of himself- ok that was stupid. He's rabid he needs someone.

So Stiles sat on the concrete ground in front of the rabid wolf, simply staring at him, his towel around his eyes were now gone. He looked peaceful almost, mouth ajar showing the sharp fangs in the mouth of the beast.

"I'm sorry what happened to you." That's all that needed to be said for the rest of the night, or till the monster awoke.


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