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Whale done sir whale done

Whale hello there

Whale come

Whale of a time

Whale you be mine

Yes I whale

Can I tail you something

Whale you not judge me

Thorca whale of thunder

Oh whale

Whale be okay

I whale always love you

I Whaley love you

Shave the whales

Do you like whales cause we can humpback at my place

What do you call a pod musical whales?

An Orcastra

Get whale soon

The humpback of Notre Danm

Marilyn Monwhale

I'm going in for the krill

We're going whale-ever the winds blow

Oh my god you krill me

Everything whale be alright

I whale if I want too

I Whaley appreciate your kriller personality

Whale you stop

Are you guys on drugs? I'm telling


Whale you give me a tissue

And she whale be loved

If there is a whale there is a wave

Job whale done

Looks like this whale got plankton

I'm Whaley hungry

Whale you kiss me under the mistletoe

Whale aren't you special

My love whale blow you away

Whale rested

Have a whale of a birthday

I'm Irish so whale don't you kiss me

Whale this is awkward

When whale I see you again

Oh whale better next time

I don't always try to mate with other whales but when i do they never humpback

Whale cop license to krill

I know a whale joke its a real kriller

Whale you go out with me


I'm Whaley worried about you

Don't be such a beach

Did you sea what i did there

I'm shore you did

Sea you later

What did the ocean say to the other ocean?

Nothing it just waved

I took it in tide

This is getting out of sand

Stop giving sea shell

That seems a little fishy

Go take a dive

Water are you thinking

I got a lot on my brine

I'm current-ly the best at puns

I was about to drown in puns

That won't float

Don't get crabby

Let's be anemones

Let's cuddlefish

Don't be shellfish

Don't get tide down

It's good to sea you


Tony shark


Tis the sea-son

Way to be dolphinsive about it


Are you squiding me?

Shut the shell up

Oh the hu-manatee

U are my otter half

How many tickles do is it take to get a octopus to laugh


Son of a beach

I warship you

I feel like we are drifting apart

Maybe we should sea otter people

I think your fintastic

WhalesWhere stories live. Discover now