I wake up to music blaring, my ears pounding. "God, lower it!" I yell, in frustration. The music lowers and, suddenly all I can hear are screetching and screaming, fans outside. Paul comes in, brows furrowed in worry. "Boys you have to go. The fans are multiplying by a huge amount." I get out of the bunk as Paul rushes us out from, the back door of the bus, instructing us to go to a small black car. We do as told and run towards the bus. God what has happened since yesterday?
I let Lou do my hair as we get ready for the very first show, here at New Zealand. "You nervous Zayn?" Lou asks, smiling. "Yeah..Lou what happened today with all the fans attacking the bus?" I try to keep myself together, and try not to note the nervousness in my voice. "I don't know really..something about Mr.X and how he's-" She became pale, the rubbed my back. "What?" I chew on my lip. "Were all on in 2!" I hear Harry yell. "Good Luck Zayn, give it your best. Don't fall in, love to fast." She gave me a wink, I got off my chair and ran for the pop ups, all the boys were on theirs. Pop! We were up on the stage. "Hello, New Zealand!" Harry spoke into the microphone. I thought about that girl with, the baby. What could she be doing right now? I grabbed a random phone out from, a fans hand, took a selfie with the mates handing it back to her. I flashed her smile. I tried to remember her smile.
I lay in my bunk replaying tonight's, huge concert, and yesterday's teenage mom. God whoever got her pregnant, didn't give a shit about her I swear I would, have snapped his neck. She was red headed, with brown eyes, freckles everywhere. The baby had black eyes and red hair. My head hurt so much from thinking about her. I fell asleep thinking of today.