Truth, Lies, & Consequences (Extended)

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A/N: This was the Jan 2013 contest prompt by #DragonAgeStories on Deviant Art.

The Rules:

*Not to exceed 1,000 words

*Include these three things (which could be as creatively interpreted as I wished):

1) Character- A beautiful woman with a terrible secret she must reveal

2) Setting- A dark and dangerous path

3) Prop- The number 13 and a cat

~The Horizontal line within the story is the 1,000 word limit I stopped at for the prompt, but I took it upon myself to continue the one shot, as well as fix up the first half a bit so it sounded more cohesive to the style with the rest of the story, plus the characters just had a bit more to say couldn't shut 'em up.

World: Awakening

Characters: Anders, (Warden Commander) Amell, Nathaniel, Sigrun, Oghren, Ser Pounce

Rated: T+


"It's dark and deep, and heavy . . . and dark."

I sighed for what felt like the billionth time as Anders reiterated his mantra of loathing for the Deep Roads. "You know, I used to think you were the sane one between the two off us, but now. . . I'm not so sure. Muttering to yourself in the dark, not a good sign."

He shifted slightly before looking up with a smirk, he could try and hide it all he wanted, but the pale sickly look to his skin couldn't be hidden by humor. "I may not appreciate this dark, dangerous, death-trap the rest of you Wardens seem so fond of, but I'm definitely still more sane than the rest of you, if anything this further proves my point."

I couldn't help but chuckle at that. He was probably right after all, but this job did that to you. One day you're so terrified you want to hide in your tent, the next you're bragging about how many Darkspawn you managed to decapitate. "Denial's the first sign you've got a problem, and it's not that any of us are fond on the Deep Roads, no one's fond of them. I mean how could we, it's like an intimate view of our inevitable death with every step. It gets easier, not much, but at the very least you eventually learn to hide it better."

"Are you kidding? I caught you skipping once." My face must have shown my shock because before I could say anything he went on. "Yea, don't think I didn't see you. How old are you anyway, seriously, skipping?"

I crossed my arms and pouted. I know it was childish, but I couldn't help myself. Before I knew it he was laughing at me, "Well," I said forcing back a snicker, "we all cope in different ways, at least I didn't have to sneak my kitty-cat in my pack to protect me."

His jaw dropped open in mock horror and I retaliated by sticking out my tongue. Seriously how old was I? I was supposed to be the Commander, exude some sort of power and respect wasn't I, so much for that. All in all it might be for the best, I knew I had to tell him sooner or later, I just couldn't bring myself to do it. It's bad enough with other people, but a fellow mage, I couldn't guess how he would react. Living in the Tower gave you all sorts of perceptions about things. Oghren was right though, better I tell him before; that way he's not surprised if and undoubtedly when a situation sprung up. Easier said than done.

"You knew?"

I just grinned in response.

"Alex, you're a mean, mean, woman."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2013 ⏰

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