part 1(I am lonley)

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I'm so lonely... It's me and my sister. My sister was a baby doll. It showed how cute she was. It had brown hair and was at least 3 times shorter than me. I miss my mother and father. I wanted people to know how I feel, but this was not right for my family. I didn't mean to scare them. Oh wait... I heard a door open.It was a family. The excitement of seeing children rushed through me like blood. Yeah, like blood... I just want the suffering to stop. But I jumped when our room door opened for the first time in 7 months. We were so bored there, passing time by watching the clock. The children walked in. But to be honest, I was underwhelmed. It was a girl. She looked like Alma from F.E.A.R. she never talked. She was a ghost, just like us. I have to admit, the girl was creepy. She have me nightmares almost every night. But she is more powerful than I think. Her name was Kristi, and she could move things using voodoo magic.
One day, I was playing tag with my sister (it was hard because I was so defluffed). Then Kristi walked in. She had a teddy bear and a stuffed kid toy. She put them together, and I saw static. I saw words, but all I could make out was " you can't get run. I am coming for you, and it will be more than just a piece of cake. Your spirit is gon..". Then everything was pitch black. I heard people mourning. I had blood rushing through me. I was in a body. I was in a coffin. I tried to stand up, so the coffin would open. It did, and I dug up to the surface. I was called "zombie" and was hit by a shovel... it looked like my dad who did it... then it turned static with the words, "you can't run". I was in another body. I could tell because I seemed hurt. I noticed I was in my house. Mr. Cuddles was laughing at me. I also saw my sister, Sarah, as a doll. I felt bad for her again. I was very greedy. Mr. Cuddles kept on saying you can't run. It was Kristin who was in cuddles. Why did she want to on cuddles, though? It was torture in there. The parents came in at that time. "Kristin, what are you doing? Stop with those toys, it creeps me out." I realized that I had the bear and the boy in my hands. I dropped them. Then I had a flashback. I saw a boy, and he had a knife. He was coming towards me, saying you can't run. Then, going back to reality, I saw cuddles coming for me with a knife. I saw how bad Sarah must've felt, me killing her. Then, for the 3rd time, Everything went to static.

mr. cuddles is lonley (mr. cuddles is weird 2) #wattpadfrightWhere stories live. Discover now