It All Started With A Cheagle.

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"Wake up Tris! Sissy Wake Up!" Four years of training had me awake and holding Gillian.

"Whats wrong Gill?" I asked my six year old sister.

"Chopper wanted out so I opened the door and he ran away." She told me.

"Gill you know you're suppose to wait for me to let him out." I told her as I ran down the hall.

"I'm so sorry Sissy." She cried.

"Hush" I told her. "It'll be OK." I grabbed his leash and put Gill down on the floor. "I'll be right back with Chopper OK you stay right here." I ran out the door and down the street. "Chopper!" I called "Come here Chopper!" Looking both up and down the street I couldn't see him. "Chopper where are you?" Then I heard it, the sharp bark of a cheagle in distress. Running I turned down the path the sound came from. My feet flew out from under me as I slipped in the mud. The cold bit in to my bare arms and legs.  Laughter reached my ears, male laughter. I shut my eyes.  Please don't let them be cute, please god please I prayed.

"Here let me help you." An amused voice said. Opening my eyes I saw a large hand being held out to me. I just stared at it. "It's not going to bite you." The same voice said. Glaring I looked at the boy's face and wished I hadn't. Dark blond hair fell into deep blue laughing eyes. Soft kissable lips fit perfectly in a face sculpted by angles. Still as handsome as he is my anger was not forgotten. Ignoring his hand I pushed my self up off the ground. "Ouch." Blue eyes said pulling his hand back. Looking at the others I saw that there were three of them and that one of them held Chopper by the collar.

"You caught my dog." I told him and could have smacked my self. "I mean that's my dog."

"Figured that when you came running." He said. This one had brown hair cut military short and chocolate brown eyes. "And it was Andy who acutely caught him." He said pointing to Blue eyes. I looked at him and saw that mud covered his once blue-green button up shirt.

"That was really kind of you I'm sorry about your shirt." I told him.

"No problem it'll come out." He told me. "Your clothes on the other hand I think they are done for." He added that checking me out.

 I looked at my self. I was coated in mud from my bare feet to my fire red hair. My pajama short shorts where soaked as was the white camisole I had on. They only good thing was that the dirt in the mud kept my cammi from going see through. I lifted my hands to the back of my hair dreading what I new I would find. My wavy red hair was stuck in a larg wet clump to the back of my head. I looked at Chopper to see that he to was coated head to tail in mud.

"What kind of dog is he?" another of them asked. He had black hair and brown eyes.

"He's a cheagle." I told them. At their blank stares I rolled my eyes. "A chiwawa cross beagle. His name is Chopper."

"That reminds me we haven't even intrudust our sleves." Andy said. "I'm Andy thats Kevin," the one holding Chopper waved. "Eric," the one who had asked for Choppers breed waved. "And Chris." the one who had yet to speek nodded politly at me.

"I should take Chopper home. Mom wont let either of us in the house till we hose down." I said bending down and picking him up. "See you boys around." I told them.

I was at the mouth of the path when Andy call out. "Wait you didn't give us your name."

"And I'm not going to." I called back to him before I made it home.

Hey I'm starting this new story tell me what you think and I promise I wont fall behind on my other ones. Please Vote and/or Comment even if it's negative critisism I want to know what I do bad and what I do good.



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2011 ⏰

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