I can hear the sound of paws farther off in the forest. I pause to lift my head as the scent of mouse filled my nose. I crouch into stalking position and head twoards it. a moment later I settle down to eat my prey.
as I bit down into my mouse I could here the sound of people coming close. I cant let anyone find me or I will be dead. I leap to my paws and take off into the forest.
this is my life as I were cat. I am always on the run incase someone catches me. I was born alone in the forest with my mom but she died of a bear attack and now im off to her clan that she talkwd so fondly about.I shook my head and began to run faster.
in a few minutes the voices die away and I know that I am safe for now at least.I sigh and slow down to a trot I need to find othere werecats before I get caught. those people back there where hunters and they wouldn't think twice about shooting a cat like me. I shudder at the thought of being shot and killed.
as I walk I begin to feel that someone or something is watching me.... I try to ignore it thinking that it might just be a bird. I got more worried when I began to jear soft foot steps behind me. thinking it was a human I started to rum but I stoped when I heard the steps running close behind me. I stood still but didnt hear any more steps. wait those steps sounded morw like paw steps.....
I take a deep breath and turn around. to my surprize I see another kitten staring straight back at me. the kitten was pitch black with neon blue eyes and by the smell he was a tom. I knew instantly that I couldnt out run him and I absolutely couldnt fight him. he was a freaking panther and im just a lynx. at least he is around my age and not a full grown one.
"hi." I meow shyly knowing perfectly well that he could kill me without a sweat. I takes him a moment before he replies." who are you and where do you come from?" he comes face to face to me. I look bravely into those stunning blues eyes and say."that is none of you buisness" he glares at me and before I know it he has me pinned.
I behin to struggle but to no avail. when he speaks je talks right into my ear."I will say this one last time who in the hell are you" he growls loudly and I begin to get afraid. " fine I will tell you I live alone after a bear attack killed my mother. I am looking for the night clan because that is where my mother came from and it is my only chance to make it in this world." he gets off me" whats your name?" I sigh and say " sasha" a minute later " well sasha follow me you have found the night clan by the way im james."

Teen Fictionthe life of a werecat named sasha hey guys comment if you like the story so far ok? I made my own cover do you like it? will try to post updates daily