The Boy, The Girl and The World

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"Where to next?" Hermione asked with excitement.

Whoa! I just ate an ice cream and sat with a muggle born. Now she expects me to be her tour guide? Please. I'll find a way to dodge this bullet.

"Where are your parents by the way?" answer that muggle.

"And your parents?" she answered back.

Two can play at this game Granger.

"They're on business" I said in a monotone.

"And left you alone?" she raised her eyebrow at me again.

Why am I answering her questions! I was the one who asked her in the first place. Frustrating girls!

"None of your business" - muggle! I am mad again, annoyed by this creature.

"Well to answer your question, my parents are headed to Gringotts to open an account for me, then after they will be meeting with a professor from Hogwarts. They will be joined by other muggle parents as well" she said in a bossy tone.

Oh! That explains why muggle parents are knowledgeable about our world.

"And you're not with them because?" this feels so good. To be the one rubbing it in that she is alone. Bite the bait Granger. I want to see you cry.

"The same as yours. They think they can achieve their tasks faster without me because I'll keep on pestering and begging them to spend time but there are things to be done according to my parents. You have to love their motto; Why worry for tomorrow If you can worry today".

She looks sad when she said this to me. And again, brown meets silver, those eyes, I feel like they see through me. Is she using a spell? No! She can't be! She's a muggle born for Merlin's sake.

The same as mine? Well, my parents are here on business. Not for my sake. They left me to tend to my needs with Dobby of course. Mum is busy with organizing events and Father is busy checking our apothecary business and meeting his board.

"We'll meet you here sweetie then we can start shopping for your supplies" I recalled my Mum's sad tone when she told me this.

At least I had robes already. I then remembered the green eyed boy I lied to in Madam Malkin's shop. Well, at least my parents are alive compared to his. Poor bloke. Orphan, ill looking and with baggy clothing.

I dismiss the thoughts that's running through my mind. Instead I revise an impressive answer.

"They trust me to tend to my needs" I answered confidently. But alas, she still sees through me.

"So why are you sitting alone in this parlor earlier?" she asked amused.

Now Malfoy, you are cunning in nature. Piece of cake Granger!

"I was actually planning on what else I need to buy before heading to our building to my father."

Of course I lied, not about our building. We have tons of them, but the planning part was a flat out lie. I was actually sulking.

"Oh! You have a building and a business?" she is in awe and probably impress.

It's just money. It's not important to me. I gave her a nod to confirm it. Didn't I told you earlier muggle? She noticed I was annoyed so she lowered her gaze.

"Your parents. What do they do at your world?" I asked to diffuse the tension.

"They're dentists!" she answered proudly.

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