Chapter 13

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Colin's POV
I woke up very early the next morning, with Jen in my arms. I felt like the luckiest guy in the world waking up next to such an amazing women. Then reality hit me, she wasn't mine.

I lay there for about ten minutes thinking about what Jennifer had told me last night about Sebastian texting her and I was trying to think of a way to help her out of the situation. I began to think when an idea came into my head, it wasn't a clever one but hopefully he will get the message.

I climbed out of bed trying my best not to wake the sleeping beauty, grabbed some clothes out of my wardrobe and headed for the shower, on my way to the bathroom I saw Jens phone laying in the desk next to the bed she was suppose to sleep in. I went over to it picked it up and turned the phone on, I knew her password because she uses the same one for everything.


Her password is so adorable, even though she never told me what the C stood for, I think I could guess straight away. I smirked to myself when I typed the password. I clicked on the messages and read the first one the popped up. It was from him.

Hey Sebastian,
I will meet you today but you have to promised me that you have changed.
I will meet you at the park just down the road from the spark hotel at 2pm.
See you there!
Jennifer x

I replied to the text pretending to be Jen, I know she wouldn't like it but I have to help her. I don't want to see her get hurt; I want her to be safe and happy.

I went back to getting a shower and thought over what was going to happen today.

I looked at the clock and read 1:40. In twenty minutes I was supposed to be going to meet Sebastian. Jen was sat down eating lunch and reading over the scrips we were given to prepare ourselves for episode one of season 5. I walked over to her and placed my hand on her shoulder.
"Hey Jen, I'm going to go shopping for food, I will only be half an hour, will you be okay here?" Jen nodded her head and smiled.
"Would you mind grabbing me a Starbucks on the way back? I haven't had one in ages! Don't worry I will give you some money." She went to grabbed a couple of dollars out of her purse but I interrupted her.
"Yeah sure and no don't worry I will pay for it." She smiled and I walked out of the door.

I hated the fact that I lied to Jennifer about where I was going but I just really want to help her. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I knew I never helped her and she went back into a abusive relationship.

I parked my car and went over to the park, I arrived just in time because it took me a couple of minutes to get there. I saw him standing next to the big old oak tree next to the pond which was full of swans and ducklings. I walked over to him and he wasn't very happy to see me.

"What the hell are you doing here? Where is she?" He looked angry.
"She doesn't know I'm here and she was never going to meet you Sebastian, can't you see it's over between you two, why on earth would she want to go back to you when all you do is abuse her?" My tone started to become angrier. "And don't think you are going to get her back with all your little sad texts to make her feel sorry for you because guess what mate, it isn't working. Just leave her alone and everything will be okay."

He stepped towards me and punched me right in the face, I felt a little dizzy but I managed to stay on my feet. I saw him about to throw another punch but I grabbed his hand before he did and stopped him and pushed him towards the ground. He stood up and charged after me and with both hit the ground and he began punching me again.

"You better stay away from her Colin, or you will be sorry."

"I don't think I'm going to listen to you mate."

I pushed him off me threw a punch his way. I picked my self up and began to walk away.
"Don't think Jennifer likes you Colin just because of your little love in Paris affair you had because believe me, she was just homesick or something and it will never work between you two."

"I don't care if she doesn't like me, all I care about is her safety and her. So why don't you run along and go back to LA."
I walked away in pain from being punched but I still held my head high to show him I wasn't scared.

I began to drive back to my house when I remembered Jen wanted a Starbucks so I pulled up next to the shop and brought her, her favourite drink and asked them to write her name on the cup and add a little red heart next to her name.

I walked through the door and saw Jennifer still sat where she was when I left and tried to wipe away some of the blood on my face so she wouldn't notice. I went over and gave her, her coffee.

"Oh my god Colin, what happened to you?"

"I'm so sorry."
Was all I managed to say.

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