Midorima Shintarou- Netball vs Basketball

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You were in the Shutoku High netball team. Your position was goal shooter as no matter what situation you were in you seemed to always score.

You made your way to the girls' locker rooms your heavy kit bag straining your left shoulder. You winced as you switched hands to help give your shoulder a rest.

"D-Do you need help, nanodayo?", you whipped round to face the person the voice was coming from. You saw the familiar green hair of Shutoku's Basketball team ace, former shooting guard for the Generation of Miracles, Midorima Shintarou. He pushed his glasses further up the bridge of his nose attepting to cover the light dust of rose coating his cheeks.

"Yes please, Midorima-kun" you bowed your head as he scoffed and took the bag from your grip,

"This really is heavy, nanodayo" he said under his breath and you giggled.

Once you had both reached the girls' locker room he handed you back your bag,

"Thank you Midorima-kun" you flashed him a smile. Another faint blush rose to his cheeks as he hurriedly walked off. He's such a tsundere.

You sat yourself down on one of the hard benches opening your bag and taking out your orange netball uniform. You didn't favor towards the orange colour it made you look similar to a carrot.

You sighed as you slipped into the gaudy, carrot uniform adjusting the skirt so that it wasn't too tight around your waist. You slid your feet into your shoes tying the laces into a double knot. You pulled you (H/C) hair back into a slick ponytail and gripped it into place.

"Alright everyone, listen up!" your netball captain called out, "Since we have championships coming up I expect you all to be training extra hard, the competition this year is much stronger than last year as they all include members of the netball team from Teiko Middle School" the locker room gave out a synchronized gasp as we knew how strong all the sports teams from Teiko were. I mean, they produced the Generation of Miracles.

"I don't expect you to be just working on your position, I expect you to be doing endurance training, cardio and strength training, especially you (Y/N)" she said turning to face you. " Even though you are a strong goal shooter I can't just rely on your shots to help us through a game", you nod your head in understanding.

You all grab a netball and head down to the court.

"OH, one thing I forgot to mention" the captain suddenly said, "We will be sharing the court with the basket ball team today as they need to train for The Winter Cup".

As you made your way onto the court you spot a familiar green haired giant shooting his legendary three pointers. You watched in awe as he elegantly flicked his wrist shooting the basketball up into a high arc. He turned away from the ball and spotted you staring at him. He quickly averts his gaze and goes to grab another ball as the ball he just shot lands in the hoop.

You turn your attention back onto the netball court and position yourself in front of your goal.

The coach blew her whistle and the two centers go for the ball. Your teams center manages to receive the ball pivoting on the balls of her feet to pass to the wing attack. You watch as the ball slowly made it's way towards your position. You swiftly dodge the goal keeper as the goal attack passes to you. You easily caught the ball and pivot around to face the net. You were quite far away from the net but you knew you could make this shot easily. The goal keeper was in front of you desperately jumping to distract you and make you miss but that didn't faze you.

You studied the net and your distance to decide how to project the ball. You released the ball from your grip and watched it land perfectly in the net.

Your teammates cheered and gave you high fives.

This process repeated a few times until the second quatre was over.

You threw yourself down onto the bench wiping away the sweat with the back of your hands and took sips of water. You felt a pair of eyes burn into the back of your head. You turn your head to see Midorima watching you.

You approached him and said confidently, "You enjoying the game?"

He scoffed and adjusted his glasses "Although your technique is good I can't simply admire netball. It is a downgraded version of basketball, nanodayo"

You narrowed your eyes and argued "Actually basketball is easier since you have a backboard to your net and the ball can easily bounce off that, in netball we have no backboard so it takes proper skill to shoot"

"Yeah, well in basketball you have people on your back all the time and you have to actually run which is harder work than just pivoting, hmph!" he argued back childishly,"and it's boring, nanodayo" he crossed his arms over his toned chest.

"Yeah, well if it's so boring come watch our championships and I'll show you a real netball match".

(At the championships)

Your heart was pounding and blood was rushing through your ears. Your goal keeper was good, not just good but amazingly good. Your goal keeper was from Teiko.

You went to make the shot the goal keeper defending the net with a smirk. You smirk back at her and did something rather unexpected. You shot the ball with a high arc and it landed in the net.

You had been studying Midorima's technique and had finally mastered it.

The crowd cheers as you pump your fist in the air and a huge grin stretched across your face.

The ball made it's way to you again and you study the net to make the shot. As you're about to let go the former Teiko goal keeper smashed her body against yours and you were forced to the ground. You heard a snap as you landed funny on your ankle.

The referee blows his whistle and calls a foul. You shriek as you touch your already swelling ankle.

"COME ON (Y/N)!" you heard a deep voice yell, "YOU CAN PUSH THROUGH THE PAIN, YOU CAN DO IT!"

You looked up at the stands to see Midorima stood up his face flushed entirely red. You pulled a small smile and stood up onto your injured ankle wincing as you limped over to the referee.

"Are you okay, Miss?" he asked his face full of concern, you looked up at the clock to see you had 10 seconds left in the final quatre,

"I'm fine" he hesitantly gives you a small nod and hands you the ball for your free shot.

You line yourself up to the net and flick your wrist.

You shut your eyes waiting for the result.

You heard a buzzing sound signaling the ball had gone in.

You and your teammates cheered in excitement. You had won the game.

You looked up into the stands to see Midorima looking down at you. You flashed him a smile and he did something unexpected back.

He returned the smile.

I hope you guys enjoyed this

I know that netball isn't played in all countries so you may not have heard of it but it's popular in Britain.

I used to be goal shooter myself but I quit lmao

I do not own any of the Kuroko no Basket characters or you (you own yourself) and i do not own the picture. (^.^)

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