Chapter 10: Painful Pleasure

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New Chapter is up! Short but it is my third update this week! :D Hope you enjoy and remember to comment, follow and vote!

Picture of Ashely!

Lizzie continues pulling me through many hallways until we finally reach a set of familiar doors. As we enter the cafeteria I see that it is vacant besides the astonishingly handsome guy standing a mere few meters away. My body starts heating up, needing to be closer to him; to be touching is smooth skin, needing to run my hands through his dark locks of hair. I see Lizzie smile in my peripherals, she is obviously aware of the unspoken feelings radiating from her alphas. I then see her slowly exit the cafeteria, leaving Will and I staring at each other, completely alone. Obviously not being able to handle the distance anymore, Will to my own gratitude and relief rushes over and pulls me into a tight embrace. I wrap my arms around him, feeling the familiar tingles along my arms and I rest my head against his chest. I feel the strong muscles in his arms flex as he brings me even closer to his body, if that were even possible. He smells amazing, his forestry scent bringing me much needed comfort. I let out a breath of relief which seems to take Will out of his trance as he takes a step back to peer into my tear filled eyes. He then unlocks my arms from around his waist to finally peer at my wounds. Turning my palms over, his eyebrows crease with worry and sorrow as he inspects them.

"Do they hurt?" Will asks, quietly.

"Yes." I mumble, not capable of any more words with him standing so close. Honestly, at the moment all I want is for him to claim his lips with mine. Like honestly what was Lizzie talking about, with the males being more hormonal than us females? Here's Will super concerned about my seriously damaged hands while I'm dreaming about his soft, plump, kissable lips.

Will takes me out of my semi inappropriate thoughts when he gently cups my cheek and raises my eyes to his searing blue ones.

"I'll take the pain away. Leah, do not move your gaze from my eyes." Will says gently, and drops his hand from my cheek to grab one of my hands in each of his. He gently places his palms over my punctured ones. I automatically flinch, expecting the contact to hurt but what surprises me is the sudden warmth that begins to spread through them. I obey his earlier instructions and continue staring directly into his eyes; so bright and soulful. They capture me and I find myself never wanting to look away. As the heat increases in my hands I feel Will's grasp on them get slightly firmer and the warmth is replaced by the strongest sparks I've felt since I've met him. It seems to take him off guard too fore we both gasp and clutch onto each other for support. As the sparks erupt Will's hold increases even more and I find myself gasping for breath. Completely forgetting about keeping eye contact, I lose whatever control I once had and slam my lips to his. The kiss is desperate and heated, Will's tongue immediately swipes across my lips and I become hopeless to the fight, immediately giving him access. Our tongues battle for what seems like forever as our bodies fight to become closer. It is however as we finally come up for air and I see Will staring at me with swirling eyes that I remember what we were doing before the unplanned display of passion. As Will begins to dip his head back down once more to meet his lips with mine I gently grab his bottom lip between my teeth and bite to stop him. I hear him quietly growl, and I inwardly laugh at myself. Obviously that action wasn't the best one when trying to calm an alpha male down. Ignoring his obvious lustfull state, I pull away and smile up and Will who is now taking large calming breaths.

"You're gonna kill me Leah." I hear him say through his gasps, but I ignore his comment and respond instead.

"You healed me."

"What?" He responds, his voice still thick with lust, obviously he's still in a daze. I shake my head at his still wavering composure, I guess Lizzie was right about those male wolves. Then I hold my hands up to his face which are to my own astonishment completely healed. He simply smiles down at me, wraps me into a quick yet loving hug and then begins hurriedly pulling me out of the cafeteria, a devilish grin spreading across his perfect face.

So there's a new Chapter! Sorry it was kind of short I just wanted to give ya'll something! My viewing has really been going up which is super exciting but I wanna hear from you guys so please Comment, Comment, Comment! Have a great days lovelies!


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