Bloody Mary

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This is just a fun little story I wrote for Halloween. Hope you enjoy.

Have you ever heard of urban legends? Of course you have, they are very famous. Especially the one about Bloody Mary. Yes we must of all heard the story of Bloody Mary at least once. Some people have their doubts about the story and some believe in it wholeheartedly. For the nonbelievers, there must of been one time you wanted prove to your friends that there really is no such thing as Bloody Mary and that it just another stupid urban legend told by adults to scare kids . Sonya is one of these nonbelievers that would go this far.

It was the day before Halloween. Everyone in Sonya's high school was pumped for this year's spooky Halloween festival. Everyone except for Sonya . Don't get her wrong, she does love a good thrill as much as the next person, but she gets really annoyed when someone goes overboard with the scary things. Her friend, Kate and her older brother, chad are a great example of overboard. Around Halloween time, chad is always scaring Sonya whether they are at home or school and Kate always is running on and on about how ghost, goblins, and other supernatural creatures like to come out this time. It all just gives her a headache.

During lunchtime Kate came and sat down with Sonya at their usual table.
" Please, please, please, come to the festival with me tomorrow I'm gonna be so lonely without you." Kate begged

Sonya rolled her eyes. "There's going to be other people there Kate. Besides ,I still have my essay to do before Monday.

"Do you always have to do your assignments at the last minute, geez". All of a sudden, Sonya and Kate felt someone ruffle their hair. They looked behind to see Chad grinning at them.

"What's up ladies". Chad said in a jokey voice as he took a seat next to Sonya.

"Chad I'm glad your here. Please talk to your sister. She won't go to the festival with us."

Sonya glared at Kate. " I already told you I have homework."

"Can't you save it for Saturday." Kate pouted

"No, I'll be to tired after that.

"Hey, if you don't come to the festival I'll send Bloody Mary after you. Chad said before taking a sip of his milk. This caused Sonya to burst out in laughter.

Sonya wiped the water from her eyes." There is no such thing as Bloody Mary. Chad and Kate gasped at her statement.

" Take that back." Kate demanded

" She is real." Chad insisted.

"Guys, she's just a urban legend."

" That's not true." Kate began. " I read online that one girl tried the Bloody Mary ritual and no one could find her the next day she was nowhere to be found all that was left of her was a trail of her blood leading to a mirror."

"Lies all lies." Sonya said nonchalantly as she took a bite of her grill cheese sandwich.

" It's true!" Kate and Chad yelled in unison.

" Okay, you know what." Sonya bagged her hand on the table. "I'm gonna prove to you that Bloody Mary isn't real. I'm gonna do the ritual.

Chad's eyes popped out. "Say what now?"

" You heard me. We'll do it by my house tomorrow night since it will be scarier on Halloween. You want to prove to me that Bloody Mary is real ,right?"

" Yeah, but-" Kate began but was cut off by Sonya.

"Then it's settled. We will see if Bloody Mary is real or not, which She isn't."
The next day, everything was set up for the festival but Kate and Chad wasn't as excited as they were before. They were too busy worrying about tonight. As night fell, everyone got prepared for the festival. Kate came to Sonya and Chad's house dressed up as a witch and Chad was dressed up as his favorite teenage mutant ninja turtle character. Sonya on the other hand was in her hello kitty pajamas eating chocolate turtles.

"Are you sure you want to do this ,Sonya." Chad asked in concern for his little sister.

"Yes, Chad just tell me what I need to do and stop being a wuss." Sonya said finishing the last chocolaty sweet.

Chad sighed. "Okay, I looked on the Internet and it said that we need to chant Bloody Mary three times in the mirror in a dark candle light room."

Sonya yawed. " sounds easy enough . Let' s get it done."

Sonya turned off the light in her room Kate lit the candle and she looked in the mirror. Kate and chad decided to stay in the back and let Sonya do the ritual since she was the bravest out the three.

Sonya took a deep breath and chanted. "Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary and ....... Nothing". Sonya sighed she really was hoping for something to happen. She walked over and turned on the lights to see Kate and Chad holding each tightly with fear.

"Guys, get a grip nothing happened."

" Really, everything I know is a lie." Kate cried

"Listen, we better get to the festival before all the good haunted houses get crowed." Chad suggested. "You sure your going to be okay by yourself Sonya. You know mom and dad are working late tonight."

"I'll be fine. Go and have fun." With that ,Kate and Chad left for the festival leaving Sonya .

Sonya had spent a few hours on her essay and finished earlier than expected so she decide to go to bed regretting that she didn't go with her friends to the festival. All of a sudden, she head a creaking sound downstairs. That made her heart stop all together. Her parents and brother would have called her and told her if they were coming home but her phone hasn't rang all night.

"How could someone break in the alarm didn't even go off ." Sonya said to herself. She started to believe that it was nothing and she was just hearing things. The sound kept repeating like the person was looking for something.

Sonya slowly got out her bed and grabbed her phone and dial 911. As she was talking to the operator she hear the footsteps getting louder . Sonya hung up the phone as the women told her the police will be there soon but she felt like she had to do something.

Sonya grabbed a baseball bat from her closet and opened the door she eased down the hallway slowly so she could not be heard. She as she went down a a few steps she peeped around the corner slowly. Her heart felt like it was gonna tear through her chest and she was sweating bullets. When she looked in the kitchen she saw a short girl with long black hair that was covering her face.

Even though Sonya couldn't see her face she could clearly tell that it was dripping of blood. This stunned Sonya so much that it caused to drop her bat. The girl quickly turned and looked at Sonya. Sonya froze up for a second but as soon as she saw the girl walking toward her she bolted from the corner of the stairs and back into the dark hallway to try and lock herself in her room.

Sonya ran as fast as she could, tripping over a rug in the hallway in the process and twisting her ankle. Sonya cried out . However, as soon as she heard the girl footsteps she quickly got up and limped to her room. She locked the and tried up herself up so she could find stuff in her room to block the door.

As she continued to block the door she notice that the mirror in her was making a weird crunching noise. She looked to the side to see the girl climb out of the mirror. Sonya fell to the floor in fear. She couldn't believe it, it couldn't be!

She started to walk toward her blood dripping on the floor from ever step. Sonya had to cover her nose and mouth to keep from vomiting. She reeked of pure rotting flesh. Sonya back hit the wall. She was trapped with nowhere to run. Bloody Mary had stoop down to Sonya and touched her cheek. Her nails were long and dirty and her hand was so ruff that she was cutting Sonya as she rubbed her cheek.

"Such a pretty girl." She said in a raspy low voice. She suddenly dug into Sonya's cheek with those sharp claws that were nails,piercing her skin. Sonya hissed in pain as the crimson blood started to run down her face and on to the girl's pale skin.

"I want to be like that again. I want your face." She lifted up her hair to reveal a hideous face full of puss and dry, cracked skin and blood coming out of dark holes where her eyes should be. That's when Sonya screamed at the top of her lungs but those screams where soon silenced.
The police did come but it was already to late. They searched for Sonya but couldn't find her. All that was left of her was a trail of blood leading to her mirror.

So tell me, do you believe in urban legends?

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