Meeting the boys

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warning some cussing in this

Chapter 1

"Looky here Sammy," The man said walking up to the injured woman. "Looks like she got mugged or maybe attacked by something," the taller man said.
Wincing you got up slowly trying your best to ignore the pain that spread through your whole body, " Who ever you two are thanks for not helping me stand and talking about me like I'm not able to hear you plain as day." You growled out. Moving quickly the tall man, Sammy as he was called by the other man, caught you before you fell over again from the pain, "thanks..." you mumble.
"Sorry we didn't introduce our selves, I'm Sam and that's my brother Dean," he said nodding at the other man.
"And who are you?" Dean asked.
Looking at him you were hesitant to answer, you heard of these two before from your brother. He told you they were good friends to him. "I'm Ita." You replied not wanting to give them your real name just yet.
"That' a unusual name, you wouldn't be lieing to us now would you?"
"Dean, if she is she would have her reasons, after all she doesn't even know us." Sam told Dean before you could answer and tell Dean to go fuck himself.
"Whatever I need a drink...and pie."
Shaking his head Sam helped you towards their car.
"Nice Impala, a '67 right?"
"chick knows her cars."
Growling you pulled from Sam's arm and move towards Dean raising your fist, "Never cal me a chick again or so help me..."
"Wow wow wow!" Dean started quickly backing up from you. Suddenly there was a flutter of feathers then a hand grabbing yours before you could get any closer to hurting Dean.
"Just in the nick of time Cass."
Stiffening you kept from looking back at him.
"Why must yu always pick fights with those who get near you Li..."
"ITA!" Yu stated before he could use your real name in front of the two brothers.
"You two know each othr Cass?" Dean asked.
"Yes we have met in the past a couple of times."
"So we can trust her?"
"Yes Dean you can trust her just watch not to anger her. No furry like an angered woman."
"You should listen to your own advice sometimes Castiel." You glared at him and then whispered so only he would hear, "after all you don't want me telling them some of your more private secrets do you brother."
"Still the same as you were back in heaven sister." He shook his head.
"Anyway we should get her some place dryer then out here looks like it is gonna rain," Sam said pulling yu back to current matters.
"Yeah like some where with beer," Dean added.
"You drink far to much Dean."
"and you drink far to little....Bitch."
Raising an eyebrow you watched as the brothers laughed at each others insults, "Is that normal?"
"For them, yes." Cass answered getting into the front seat with Dean as you flopped into the back of the Impala."
"Hey careful not to get blood on babies' seats back there!"
"oh my blood will just wash of there leather seats after all Deany-weeny." You laughed unable to hold back on calling him one of your favorite nicknames for him, and watching his jaw clench.
Glaring at you in the rear view mirror Dean stated, "There has been enough blood in baby for one lifetime she don't need anymore in her leather."
"Oh get over it...." you grumbled watching out the window as Dean drove to the closest bar.
"Dean its not like she can help it she fights with anyone that makes her the slightest bit angry, it is ow she has been since the day I have met her." Castiel informed Dean before anymore fighting could happen.'"Then she should learn to grow up."
Biting your tongue you kept from telling him he should grow up. Seeing that your group was now at the only bar within miles of town you sighed and got out of the Impala . "I'm getting my own drink who knows what that perv would try if I let him buy for me," you said pointing at Dean and headed inside.
"Like I'd ever want to do anything with you, bitchy isn't my type."
"Nah angel is though." You yelled back laughing knowing that Castiel would understand the joke, and heard Sam laugh wondering if he got it to.
"Castiel is not his type though I sometimes wonder if Cass might have those kinds of thoughts about Dean."
Looking at Sam you smiled, "Maybe who knows, they say angels have no emotions but I know they do."
"Yeap, not all angels are emotionless bloody idjets like they are made to act, Castiel is the perfect example, last time he and me hung out he told me he cares for these two guys....I'm guessing that would be you two." You smiled more.
"Yeah I don't think he has many friends here, you'r the first person I have met who knows who and what he even is, and doesn't think he's crazy."
"Nah he isn't crazy if anyone is it would be me...." Mumbling you added, "he's like a brother to me though so that would make him crazy by association.
Laughing again Sam walked you to a booth, "You two have known each other a long time I'm guessing,"
Nodding you sat and scanned the bar, spotting a familiar face you growled. "Something wrong?"
"The bitch who did this to me is here...."
"who's that?" Sam questioned looking around the bar.
Pointing you watched her. Before you could stop him Sam moved going towards her, "Hey didn't anyone ever tell you it isn't nice to beat up other people?

"When the hell are you to tell me what I can and can't do...." The girl glared turning towards him, "oh yay its you again, didn't you and your brother leave town yet? or are you just back to bother me some more, I haven't done anything....yet...."
"So it was you again Fay, and what do you mean not yet?"
"What I mean is I haven't killed any angel losers yet nor demon's or any monsters in general."
"Thought you were out of the game for good."
"Nope just haven't found that one person to keep me settled down after all your brother ran off on me last time after sleeping with me, I'll still kill him for that, but I'm regressing, who is it your telling me it is bad to beat up?"
"Her, the innocent girl you left in an ally way about 20 minutes from here."
"Oh her, she attacked me first saying something about hurting someone close to her family or something I wasn't really paying attention." She shrugs and turns away.
Watching them you grabbed the beer Dean just sat down and chugged it.
"HEY!" he shouted making a grab at it, "that's my beer get your own!"
"I just did."
"Ita, it is not a wise thing for you to drink."
"Cass I'm not in the mood she is here and by the sound of it Dean and Sam here know her."
"You now the one who almost killed Ita's sister Dean?"
"Who Fay? she only goes after monsters and the like she's an ex-hunter or she was an ex-hunter, if she tried to gank your brother then he must have come in contact with some kind of monster." Dean explained watching you.
You just kept drinking on the beer you took from Dean not speaking to him.
"Dean I think it would be best if the two of us moved to another table she can be very moody when she drinks."
"sounds like a plan I can't stand crying ch.....woman." Dean moved getting up quickly and leaving with Castiel just as Sam came back and sat down.
"So you're gonna stick around me unlike your brother."
"I have no problem with people having emotions and how bad could you be really Cass don't like being around anyone when they are upset since he don't know how to deal with human emotions, as well as other angels do i'm guessing" he added not wanting you to get angry with him about someone who is like a brother to you.
"It's fine, honestly I don't know how I act I never remember the time when I'm drunk, Castiel has said I can act like a child but I don't know." Taking another swig of the beer you finished it off, "Deans choice of beer sucks, I would rather have a rum or a whiskey, something hard."
Raising an eyebrow Sam moved and went up to the bar buying you and himself a few drinks.
"Ah isn't that sweet you got him whipped already."
Glaring you looked up, "What do you want Fay, here to have another round?"
"Would have thought you had enough after the last beating, guess i should have wripped out your wings not just left them busted. then again you did get away with enough power to change into your human shape, pretty slutty looking."
"Ha me a slutty girl at least I don't think that I have to look like every other person to catch the eye of a guy, oh wait you only want one guy what was his name again oh that's right Castiel and here you say you despise angels."
"You keep your mouth shut you know nothing of my feelings." Fay growled and you noticed barley kept her human arm from changing.
"Oh so scary," you rolled your eyes, "just leave me alone."
"for now little goddess tramp for now..." she gave you a fakely sweet smile then left just before Sam came back.
"What was that all about?"
"nothing for you to worry about, me and her just share a common ill will for one another, she thinks she can intimidate me, you should know just how she is you know her pretty well by how Dean acted."
"Her and Dean have a past together, he dumped her when he found out she was using him to make someone else jealous we don't know who but that's in the past. Here I got you a drink and no im not like Dean." Sam said setting down a glass in front of you.
"Thanks," picking it up you took a sip and smiled tasting the drink, "Whiskey and here I figured you would treat me like Cass does and get me some fruity drink"
"Cass just worries about people drinking see," he smiles pointing at Dean and Cass over at the other table as Cass tells Dean he has had enough to drink for the night.
"Yeah well I'm still glad you don't act like that," You smiled taking another drink, "can I tell you something.....Cass and me we arn't just friends, he really is my brother."
"You mean his host body is your brother right?"
"Nope, I mean the angel Castiel is my brother....I just was a little afraid to say anything before, Dean can be intimidating.
"He sure can but that is what makes him a great hunter, but back on subject, if Cass is your brother does that mean your an angel like him?"
"Im something a little like it, I'm actually a Goddess, I hide it when I'm on earth, to many people would want miraculous and stuff, not something im keen on doing a lot of."
"So why are you telling me all this?"
Shrugging you smiled, "not sure just something about you makes me feel I can trust you, maybe it's from all the stuff Cass told me about you guys, or maybe I'm drunk I have been drinking a lot tonight this is my fourth bar in the last 12 hours, oh and if you swear not to tell Dean I'll tell you my real name."
"Uh okay," he replied watching you.
"It's Lilith," putting up your hand you stopped him, "no not the same Lilith you two fought in the past that bitch wishes she was me," you smiled bigger. "I didn't say before cause I knew you would both freak and try and kill me," you let the smile disappear, "and I didn't want to be hated by my brothers best friends."
Sam moved some, "we wouldn't have killed you, honestly Cass told us about having a sister by the same name as the dead demon. She caused us a lot of problems but I don't hold grudges just fo having the same name."
Moving you hugged him tight blushing lightly, "I knew I could trust in you Sammy,"
"So uh um," Sam stammered some, "wh...what all did Cass say about us anyway?"
"That you both are loyal friends and hunters, that Dean is a womanizer who needs a swift kick in the ass, and that he wishes that you could find someone to be with, someone you won't fear will end up like all the others," You moved sitting back again blushing softly and thinking, "oh and that he thought you would like me since I know a lot about history and for dean cars and weapons, I'm great when it comes to, as dean says it, ganking stuff," You smiled big again.
"Really that could come in handy, though I don't think Cass would let his sister come along with us on any hunts, he's already glaring over at us just from you hugging me." He blushed some.
Laughing you waved, "cool it Cassy, it was only a hug not like I'm gonna jump his bones."
Shaking his head he walked over, "She is already drunk from two drinks, allow me to take her back to the bunker and put her to rest before she says or does something she will not be happy about later."
"Okay but Cass, she told me about herself, I swear I won't tell Dean though not that she will remember telling me with what she said about her and drinking."
"Make sure to keep that promise, last one to break one to her ended up with an angel blade in the back."
"I'll uh make sure not to make her mad then." Sam stammered watching as you finished off your drink and taking a sip of his own.
"I never said she was the one to stab them," Cass warned before taking your arm and disappearing.

SPN fan fic: Crowley x OC x Sam/ Dean x OC x CassWhere stories live. Discover now