Falling for the King and his thanks (Lemon warning!)

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AN: yes I know he is out of character but hey my story and I did try and keep him in as much character as i could

AN2: song just reminded me of him XD

Chapter 2

Slowly waking you looked around realizing that you must have drifted off some time after Cass flew off. Jumping out of bed you grabbed a clean pair of cloths, jumped in the shower and washed up quickly then wondered over to the kitchen There wasn't much to eat left in the fridge but you did find a bag of salad and made that to eat figuring you could just buy Sam a new one, you figured it was his since Dean wasn't a very healthy eater according to Cass, and grabbed a cup of coffee that was freshly made, which surprised you since no one was there.

Shrugging it off you wondered into the room where you found the secret passage and flopped onto one of the couches munching away wondering what there was to do around here other then read and watch old video's, when you remembered who was down in that passage and face palmed. Running back into the kitchen you grabbed a bottle of whiskey and another of the salads thinking he might be hungry to, hell did he even eat, you had no idea but figured if he didn't eat it you would since you were still hungry, then headed back. Pressing the hidden switch you smiled glade that you had sobered up enough last night before exploring to remember where it was then headed down humming lightly.

"Well well well, looks like you came back, that makes me very happy my dear, I thought that the boys might have figured out you were here and booted you or maybe locked you away so you couldn't visit, I wouldn't put it past Squirrel to do so."

"Nope like you guessed they didn't even come back last night, though you were wrong about Castiel he did come by to let me know that they wouldn't be around for a while, they had to go on a hunt, I would have loved to go but they didn't invite me so there loss," You shook your head setting down the bottle and food, "I figured you would be hungry and since you had a glass of it down here last night that you would want more whiskey."

"Yes I would you are very thoughtful, the boys don't know how to treat such a kind and lovely woman such as you, as you said there loss, my gain," He chuckled waving a hand, "come join me, I would love having you as a drinking partner for this morning."

"I'm more of a night time drinker but alright I'm not one to let good whiskey go to waste."

"You have yet to have the good kind if you think this is good, I'll have to introduce you to Craig, it is the only good kind."

"Oh but I have had Craig Whiskey, its amazing but for here in the states this is all that passes as good." You smiled remembering the last time you had Craig.

"Ah I hadn't figured you to have, forgive me for that." Crowley chuckled once more pouring you both a glass. "So tell me, how is it you are here on earth and not in heaven with the other angel's, minus Wings of course."

Sighing you took a sip, "I haven't been in heaven since the time of Adam actually, I left, I had fallen for that bastard, but he was far to dominating for my tastes, I like to be in charge from time to time," you blushed looking at him from over your glass.

"That was many eons ago, you must get lonely here all by yourself."

"Sometimes, but Cass always tried to visit when he could, there used to be Gadriel but me and him are more enemies then friends now, after all he hates the serpent that got Adam and Eve to eat that wonderful forbidden fruit." You smiled slyly.

"And let me guess, that serpent happened to be you? You are a very wicked Goddess to have played such a dark part of human history,"

"I've done many things to help and to harm humans, in truth."

"I would love having someone like you on my side my dear, you don't seem to feel much guilt for the things you have done by the look in your eyes." he pointed out as he sipped his own drink.

"Why feel guilty I did the things I needed to do, I'm not a killer or anything."

"You have never killed, that's a shame, sometimes a good kill can make my day. Personally that is." He smiled, "like the last one I killed, a shape-shiftier, who tried to pretend to be me, the nerve of him. Of course I torched him for information before hand."

"I've heard about that, you hadn't been very good friends with Dean or Sam then, though your not much friends now seeing as they have you locked up down here. I'm sure you'd love to stretch your legs....I'd let you out of here if I knew I could trust you not to run off."

"My dear, I give you my word that I would never run while you are here to keep me company, and I am a man of my word. Those who would break their word I torcher very slowly." He said taking a long drink showing he was telling the truth.

"Well alright then but I have no idea how to get you out of those cuffs, I can break the demon seal on the ground but since they got there own on them."

"Little Moose had the key last since he locked me in here, the bloody bastard..." Crowley growled, "didn't even give me a chance to ask what I did this time, if anything."

"So they lock you up a lot by the sounds of things, they must really hate you."

"Of course love, I'm a demon, the demon king, why would they like me."

"Why did they like Ruby?"

"Touche love." He laughed, "but for now it would be best to get looking for that key, I would check their rooms first, my best guess. If not there then someplace they would be able to keep it safe."

"Alrighty, I'll head for Sam's first, I don't trust Dean's what with his porn and all. Yeah I'm betting he has worse stuff then I'm able to even imagine."

"Far worse I've roomed with him once, ass did it in my bed!"

"Eww just eww..." you shook your head moving and downing the last of your drink in one gulp then poured a second and took it in one shot, "gonna need that if I have to look in his room rather not remember it if i can help it."

"Good luck, and love, I am not one to say this to others but, thank you" he looked away but you seen a bit of emotion in his eyes before he could turn away fully.

Smiling you moved and kissed his cheek, "your welcome Crowley," before he could react you moved quickly leaving blushing hard. Back upstairs you headed towards the rooms remembering seeing Sam's room not far off from yours. He kept it pretty neat so you would have to be careful searching not to mess it up, or he would know you had been in there, and you didn't them to miss trust you still. Stepping inside you smiled walking around it a little, the room wasn't to big just enough to fit a bed, desk and a few books. "Now if I was a key where would I be." Crossing your arms you moved and carefully checked the books and desk thinking those would be the most obvious places to hide something but unfortunately turned up empty handed. Next you moved to the bed and shuffled through the blankets. Just as you were about finished you noticed a small pile of clothing in a corner and smiled betting you would find the key left in his pocket. Moving you sat on his bed and started digging in the cloths. As you were looking you smiled some finding a pare that you could easily blackmail him with if you wanted him to know you had looked through his room, but in the end you found no key. "Damn guess I get to go to Dean's room next, so gonna need to burn my eyes out I'm betting."

Just before you could leave though you heard someone moving down the hall and hide against the wall peaking out the door crack. You had thought it would be Cass or one of the boys back for something, but it was Fay. Wondering how the hell she got in here let alone found this place you kept out of sight and watched as she headed towards Dean's room. Quietly you followed her wanting to make sure she wasn't up to no good, only when you got to his room you seen her lay down onto his bed and drift off, "seems someone's giving up on chasing my brother," you chuckled to yourself as you backed up and headed away from the room since you could no longer search it, instead you figured you would just cut off the cuffs, the boys could scream at you later for letting Crowley loose but hey he was living to and all living things on this planet were under your protection.

Walking back into the cell like room you smiled, "im back but before you ask no I didn't find the key, and thank good I don't have burn out my eyes."

"Oh you didn't check Dean's room very well I'm guessing if your eyes aren't ruined."

"Couldn't, he's got company in there, someone who hates me and I her, soooooo....." You smiled bigger and held up a pair of bolt cutters, "I'm just gonna cut you out there." Moving you went over and lightly placed the cutters against the cuffs around his hands, then quickly broke them off him, noticing a little blood drip from his hand you moved. "Sorry I got you a little bit, I hope it's not to deep."

"Don't worry about it, I will heal love."

"Okay," Smiling you set to work on his leg then the neck cuff, being even more careful on the neck one. Once you done he stood up and waved his hand closing up the cuts. Looking down you noticed the demon seal was there and unbroken. "How did you use your powers with that still there?"

"I'm the king love, this," motioning the the seal, "is nothing compared to my power, speaking of, I believe I owe you a thanks for helping me get off those bloody locks." Moving he pinned you against one of the walls.

"What do you think you are doing?"

"Thanking a beautiful woman for helping me."

Blushing you looked into his eyes, "Oh, well I'm not sure where this woman is, but I'm sure it isn't me...I'm not beautiful."

"But darling, you are, maybe not in this human form but I can see your true looks and you are ravishing." Moving he kissed your neck making you shiver lightly. "plus I know you were thinking of me till you drifted off," this caused you to stiffen up and try to push him back, "now now love, don't try and deny it, truthfully I thought of you to, and all the things I would love to do to thank you for just speaking with me, now I owe you far more since you fed, brought me drink and freed me, and think I know what to do to thank you. Maybe you would like that girl up there dead, I can do just that."

"No! I might hate her, but death is going way to far."

"Alright then what shall I do to thank you, oh how about this," before you could figure out what he was thinking he snapped his fingers and you both appeared upstairs in Dean's room, but Fay was no were in sight.

"What did you do with her?" You quickly asked.

"Sent her to spend time down in that annoying prison room, while I thank you in the best way possible, at the same time getting back at little Dean for fucking that slut in my bed a while back." He chuckled and you noticed his eyebrow twitch some at the mention of that certain past event.

Before you blink he had you pinned once more, this time to Dean's bed, but this time he did with powers instead of his own hands. "Now, why don't you tell me, what I shall do first to you?" Moving he ran his hands over your arms and sides making you shiver once again. Before he could continue any further though there came a loud bang as the door flew open and into the wall.

"What the hell do you think your doing you bitch, how did you get me into that dungeon and.....who is this? another one of your little play toys?"

"I'm sorry but she is unable to talk right now," Crowley answered for you waving his hand making a ball gag appear in your mouth, "as for you, she did not put you in there, I did, and will again, only this time I'll let you enjoy the chains that were once around me, since you yourself seem to be part demon," turning to you he smiled, "and she isn't a bitch, call her that ever again and you will know why I was locked up in there and why your little Dean Winchester feared me for so long," you watched as he turned back to her his eyes pure red.

"Oh so your a demon, here I thought they all had black eyes, what the hell is with the red ones?"

"King of cross roads, and king of hell, now, leave us, I would like to get to repaying her for her kindness." Again he waved his hands making her disappear, "next time I'll send her to spend some time in hell with Alister," shaking his head he turned back to you, "now love where were we, ah that's right," moving he pulled lightly on your top watching to see how you would react only to see you blush but lay still letting him remove it. "And here I thought you were going to fight me off, that would have been more enjoyable then you giving in."

Moving some you looked him in the eyes trying to keep from shaking, you had never done anything like this before and you were a little afraid but that didn't stop you from wanting it to continue. Seeing the fear in your eyes he smiled, "Ah so you are scared, good that fear will add to the fun of this." Moving he went over to one of the chests and pulled out something, you couldn't see what it was though since he had his back to you. Struggling some you tried to get a look but could only catch a glint of what it could be, "Now now love patients you'll get to see it soon enough. Now, where is the rest of Dean's little toys at, ah here they are."

Unable to keep from shaking any more you watched, you could't help but fear all Dean has are knifes and daggers. As he turned around you could see you were right in Crowley's hand he held a rather sharp looking dagger, struggling some you whimpered looking between him and the dagger, "Ah there's the struggling, but fear not love I'll make this as painless as I can my dear." Moving over to you he ran the blades dull side lightly against your arm and watched as goosebumps formed. "Such beauty, these cloths are only blocking it from my sight, lets fix that," moving he quickly cut them then tossed the dagger making it stick in the wall. "much better," he chuckled looking over your now undressed chest. "You really are perfection, most girls think they have to be bean poles with to big of breasts, I hate that, you my dear have the perfect looks." Moving he leaned over you and kissed along your neck while placing his hands on either side of your head. Struggling more you tried to get him to release his powers so you could push him away but he kept a firm grip on them. "You seemed so welcome to the idea of this last night, why fear it now that it is happening," moving his hand he stroked your hair pushing a bit of it from your face. "Oh I think I understand you don't wish it to be to quick, well I a sure you I plan to take my time with you, so that you can enjoy it fully just as I will. Now would you like to see the rest of the little toys I found or shall I just surprise you with them?"

Whimpering more you started shaking even harder and felt tears form as he slowly kissed down your body. You were enjoying it but you were also afraid of what else he had planned, what other toys would he have in store for you now that he had abandoned the dagger. Feeling his hand move down your side you let out a low moan as you felt him rub your thigh and mumble another beautiful. Moving back up he reached around you and undid the gag from your mouth then kissed you hard as he began to strock your clit lightly causing you to let out another moan, this one slightly louder then the last.

"See you are enjoying this just as much as I am my darling, but we are only just getting started so I don't want you to orgasm till I say to is that understood?"


Flicking his thumb over your clit again he smiled, "That's a good girl, now on to our next toy shall we?" with out waiting for you to answer he moved his free hand and pulled something from behind him and moved it over your chest, once again you couldn't see what it was which caused you to struggle some then let out a yelp as he pinched your nipples and placed it onto each. "You have no idea what your doing to me, or maybe you do love, but if you keep it up I won't be able to draw out our fun to long you know." Leaning down he flicked his tongue over one of your now pinched nipples and smiled before moving back up and kissing you once again.

Groaning you arched up as you felt one of his fingers enter into you, and move slowly. "Now love if I let your hands free you had better be a good girl after all you can see none of what I will do will harm you at least not in a bad way." He chuckled licking your nipple again. "Will you be a good girl?"

"Yes now please let me go."

"As you wish my dear," he smiled and snapped his fingers releasing your hands. Moving them you wrapped them around his back and gripped his top shivering."

"You know this isn't very far, here you have me naked and can see all of me yet all I have
got to see so far is your handsome face." you blushed admitting that you found him attractive.

"Then why not remedy it? I will not stop you," he smirked and you moved your hands pulling off his suit jacket, then slowly undid the buttons of his shirt blushing more. "You seem to easily flush my love, have you not seen others this way before?"

"Y..yes but..."


"They weren't like you, I mean, I didn't find them to be attractive," you admitted again to him as you slowly pushed off his top.

"Well love, I am honored to be the first," He smiled and rubbed your side and clit more.

Moving your hands along his chest you smiled lightly feeling goosebumps rise on his flesh. As your hands reached his waist you moved and undid the belt around his waist making sure to go slowly so that you torcher him, every now and again rubbing your palm over his growing bulge.

letting out a low growl he quickly pulled off his pants and pinned you back down. "Your a little tease now arn't you?"
"No more then you are." you shivered moving your leg up around his. "But its all part of the fun." Quickly you moved flipping the both of you over and pinning him down under you. "Now to return the favor for the enjoyment," you chuckled and started to slowly kiss down his body while lightly placing your hand on his cock and stroking it.

Hearing him let out his own groan you smiled more and continued your slow trail of kisses over his stomach and slowly down to his cock, still stroking it using your whole hand. As you reached it you flicked your tongue over his tip and heard him take in a deep breath, moving your head you slowly took his tip into your mouth and sucked on it lightly tasting his salty pre-cum.

Hearing him growl some you felt him buck up but moved pinning his hips down onto the bed and slowly took his cock into you moth a bit more sucking slightly harder. Still growling you heard him wince and mumble "tease," as you slowly ran your teeth over his nice hard shaft. Smiling even more you moved taking his cock into your mouth as far as you can and deep throat him, causing him to groan out loud

Sucking hard and fast you moved your hands and lightly rubbed his balls every so often giving them a light squeeze causing him to moan and pant at your treatment. Tasting more pre-cum you pulled away and smirked, "how is the king of hell liking this kind of torcher?"

"Love you are very good at this but if you keep it up you won't be getting your reward, and I'm sure you would love it."

"Well then maybe I should move on to your next part shall I?"

"And what is the next part of his my dear?"

"Oh just this moving you straddled his lap but kept his cock from going into you and slowly rubbed up against it so that he could feel just how much you were wanting him."

"As I said you are very good at this kind of torcher love." Crowley groaned moving his hands to your waist, "but I can not wait any longer," flipping you over he moved pushing into you earning a very loud moan. Wrapping your arms around him once more you dug your nails into his back and pulled him down kissing him hard as he thrust into you hard and deep.

"Crowley fuck your big."

"I had better be, I gave my soul up for it," he chuckled kissing you again still thrusting deep.

Panting you moved your hips in time with him as best as you could and moaned out his name again while he moved grabbing something else, "would you like to see the last of the toys my dear?"

"Please...." You whimpered feeling him hit your g-spot and cause your eyes to start shutting in pleasure.

Moving his hand into sight you seen him hold out a vibrator, "This my dear will be going into you along with myself so I hope that you are able to hold back on orgasiming as I have ordered you to."

"Please I don't think I can take much more."

"This is your reward for freeing me darling," Moving he pushed it into your pussy gaining another very loud moan. Unable to speak any more from panting and moaning you pulled him closer using your legs causing him to go into you deeper and feel just how close you were to the edge. "That's a good girl hold back for me," He groaned out thrusting even harder causing his balls to slap against you. You could tell he was getting close to cumming himself since his cock was starting to twitch, but you knew he wanted to draw this out longer, unfortunately neither of your bodies was going to allow him to as your pussy started to milk his cock wanting him to cum for you.

Groaning loud you heard him mumble to cum as he released deep into your pussy and you orgasimed hard digging your nails into him even more feeling him fall down on top of you. You both were panting hard when you heard the door slam open. "Son of a bitch Crowley I'm gonna kill you, That's my bed!"

Weakly looking up you seen it was Dean that had come in just as you two had finished up, he looked passed the point of being pissed off at finding you two in his bed naked. "Now Dean you remember, you did this same thing in mine back at that motel, though I now see why it is very enjoyable to make love in another s bed," Crowley chuckled holding you close. Blushing you looked up into his eyes having noticed he said make love and not have sex.

Before you could blink Castiel was there with Crowley pinned against a wall, "You disgusting demon how dare you force yourself on my sister, I should kill you right now."

"Cass calm down! he didn't force me to do anything!"

"How the hell did he get free anyway? Don't tell me you let him out Ita." Dean glared at you you could tell he was past the point of angry to the point of murdering.

"Yes I let him out, and yes I know who he is but no one deserves to be locked away like that!"

"He's a demon, he deserves far worse for the things he has done!"

Glaring at Dean you moved and pushed him against a wall not caring that you were still naked, "and what of you you have killed people yourself, hell you are the second Cain," you growled grabbing his arm, "so don't you fucking dare judge, as for you Castiel let him go..." Moving you gave Cass the one warning look. "As I said he didn't force me to do anything, hell I wanted him to do the stuff he did and I loved it." You looked at Crowley and smiled. "If I had to do it all again I wouldn't even hesitate.

"Lilith, he is the king of hell, you swore you would never be with another ruler of that realm after all that happened..." Cass whispered so that only you and Crowley could hear.

"I know I did but he hasn't once harmed me, yes he did scare me when he had me pinned with his power and was holding a knife but I trusted him and he did not harm me in any way," moving you pulled Castiel away from Crowley and moved your hand into his and made both your cloths reappear not liking being undressed in front of your brother and Dean.

"What is this about being with another king of hell now love?" Crowley asked raising an eyebrow.

Sighing you looked towards him then at Dean, "do ya mind this is a private conversation so could you leave."

"This is my room you leave!" Dean yelled giving you a death glare.

"Alright fine, on and Dean you got company down in your cell, she was in here before we were be glade we came in here or you might have come back to missing several items...." moving you led Crowley out of the room and over to Cass's room that he had let you use for your own. Soon as you got in Crowley shut the door and locked it.

"Now love explain, who was this other king and do I need to kill him...slowly." He asked pulling you onto his lap as he sat down onto the bed.

Taking a deep breath you began to explain lowering your head and staring at your hands, "He was the king of hell....Satan... I had made a deal with him so that I could get back at a certain human. He gave me the power to change shapes and in return I was to be his, he also made me into a vampire...its why I don't want Dean and Sam to know who and what I really am, why I hide myself as a human."

"So Satan calmed your soul for his own, well I am glade that bugger is long dead then." He chuckled and lifted your head so he could look you in the eyes, "I might be a demon and the new king of hell but I only punish those demons that deserve it and yes I make deals with humans but I give them a far amount of time to enjoy their end of the deal before I take their souls to hell. I would offer to make a deal with you but you don't seem the type to make one."

"No...I would, I don't know what it is but I feel drawn to you, its almost as if we knew each other briefly in the past."

"I use to know a Lilith, that is what wings called you is it not?"

Nodding you layed your head onto his shoulder, "yes it is my real name but I use the name Ita around Sam and Dean, I would have thought you would have known that though what with reading my mind."

"I would rather learn about you the old fashioned way love, now tell me how long were you in hell for?"

"I don't know how many years but I was there long enough to build Satan an army of Demons and monsters of the night, he actually called me Echidna said the name Lilith was a disgusting angel name when he himself was a fallen angel." you shook your head again.

"You are Echidna? well that is an interesting development," Crowley chuckled running his hand along your spin causing you to shiver.

"I hated it he would use me for his own pleasure, not caring if he was hurting me in the process, but you weren't like that you were kind about it."

"As I said I was making love to you not just having a roll in the hay, as with you, there is something that seems to draw me to you, maybe its that mestevious glint you have every once and again in your eyes, or your beauty, maybe even that you are a loving soul. I have no clue but I do know I do not want any others near you," he growled pulling you close to him.

Putting your hand lightly on his chest you blushed lightly, "you don't know how happy that makes me....Crowley would...would you make a deal with me...here and now?"

Looking down at you he smiled lightly, "maybe love, why not tell me what it is you wish first then I will see if it is worth taking your soul."

"I....I want to join you in hell...as your one and only..." you whispered the last part shaking lightly afraid that this could turn out like the last time.

"Darling, I would love to make that deal with you, but you are afraid, do not deny it I an feel you shaking, perhaps once you get to know me better and are not afraid then I will agree to the deal but for now let us just get to know one another better." Moving he layed down and pulled you with him so that you were laying against his chest. "You know this is a first for me, actually caring for the one I am with, you are special to me and it made me happy truly happy that you told off the Winchesters and your brother on my behalf."

"As I said before I would do this all over again if I had to, and I wouldn't change a single thing." Smiling you moved your head and kissed him hard.

Smiling he kissed you back pulled you closer and ran his hands over your sides, pulling back some he chuckled, "you keep that up I'm not going be able to hold back you know."

'I know, and you know," moving closer to his ear you whispered, "we are technically in Castiel's bed since this is his room."

Chuckling more he ran his hand over your spin, "I think we have had enough fun for one night I can see in your eyes you are tired and rest."

"I am a little tired, but you know I won't be able to sleep not with how things are right between my brother, the Winchesters and me, I hate being on bad terms with people."

"Then go on go sort things out with them, well Wings and Moose, I can that Squirrel is a little busy right now, and he gets onto you and me for what we did," Crowley chuckled letting you go.

Getting up you stretched wincing some then remembered the clamps and quickly pulled them off blushing.

"Forget about something darling?" Chuckling more he moved his hand and made a remote appear pressing it. Shivering you blushed harder. "Yes I remember the other toy in you love, and you are going to keep that one in place till you return." Smirking he turned it onto low teasing you more.

"You really are evil Crowley, but yet I can't help but fall for you." Moving you quickly left the room and headed towards Sam and Castiel's voices hearing them talking about what they just seen.

"He has emotions, some but not a lot, so who knows if he is lieing about how he feels for her Cass, he could genuinely love her."

"No I will not let my sister be with a demon, she has been hurt one to many times by their kind. I kill him if he tries to claim her as his."

"And in the process push your sister further from your life, Cass I know you love your sister but Lilith is old enough, far old enough to make her own choices....."

"What about you I can see you were starting to like her, does this not eat you up inside to know a demon is pulling her from you with out you even getting a chance to be with her. I rather her be with you, you the one I would wanted to end up with in the end Samuel, it is why I was telling her of you two, I had hoped she would meet you one day and wish to be your's."

"Things don't always end up how we plan it Cass, and yeah I was starting to like her, I still do, but I can't make her be with me if she doesn't want to be. Plus if she can bring out the good in Crowley as it looks like then we will have one less problem on our hands."

Moving you walked in pretending not have heard any of what they said, "um...." Mumbling you kept your head down, "bro....Sam...I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you angry."

Walking over to you Cass pulled you into his arms, "Lilith, I am not mad with you, I would never be, it is Crowley who I am angry with, I do not want you getting hurt by him, but if he is who have chosen then I will step back, but if he so much as ever makes you sad I will rip him to shreds."

"And I will help him, be careful around him, he lies with out a second thought." Sam added standing back watching you.

Still keeping your head down you moved from Cass's arms and went over to Sam and hugged him tight, "Sam, I'm sorry I do like you....had I not met Crowley I would have loved to be with you, but fate played its hand and things ended up this. But it makes happy to know you are here for me, could you do one favor? Could you talk to Dean for me, I don't like him hatting me, it scares me to know he is mad with the mark I afraid he might even try killing me."

"I will talk to him, and he would never try killing you, he knows Cass would kick his ass if he did."

Smiling you laughed lightly, "hey you just rhymed."

"Yeah and you smiled."

Smiling more you pulled away yawning, "thank you Sammy, you really are a great guy just like Cass always told me," moving you kissed his cheek then moved leaving them to their conversation but kept near enough that you could hear what they would say.

"You seem to still have a chance, maybe you can win her from him if you play things correctly."

"Cass I'm not gonna play anything, if things change and she ends up with me in the end that's how things worked out, till then we just have to keep to the family job, and hope that things end well."

"Yes, I can feel that they will."

After hearing all this you slipped away back to the room, walking in you smiled seeing Crowley sleeping soundly, walking over quietly you grabbed the blanket and layed down beside him and covered the both of you up. As you pulled it up you were grabbed by Crowley and pulled close, you could here him mumbling, "Mine all mine... if others touch..."

Smiling big you nuzzled close to him and drifted off into your own dream land.

SPN fan fic: Crowley x OC x Sam/ Dean x OC x CassWhere stories live. Discover now