Locked Away

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I sigh reaching out my fingers to simply lay them on the side of the rainbow colored window. Everything is happy colors in my house. There is no such thing as a grey or dark wall anymore. They are illegal in the U.S. It's 2020 and everything is different from the easier years before. Well...except for the one year with...the one thing no one speaks about...the incident.It happened on May 14 which was the end of the world for many teenagers.Every teenager that felt depressed or hated commited suicide. The whole world was in shock. That one day really showed them how bad our world really was. The day after the government created Happy Smiles. This was the so called antidote to the sickness,depression. It was morbid actually and any sane teen never wanted to go there. We saw the outcome of who the teens taken there were after they came out of Happy Smiles. They knew no one and walked around neither smiling or with the frowns they permantley had before they were taken. The Incident was so serious that a single crying break down could have you taken to Happy Smiles. The guards that came to get you didn't mess around either. They were immune to tears, hatred , and any form of regret. They were Happy Smiles own creations which were made in The Rainbow Factories. Here the guards or should I say robots,minions your pick were made. They were programmed to do one thing. That thing was to take the depressed kids to their fates. Ughh....I hate even thinking about that hell hole of a place. I shiver looking down. "Ahem...Eliza what are you doing.", an overly cheerful voice says. I turn around quickly looking straight into the eyes of my mother. She is a petite lady with tons of make up on her face and a fake smile.Her dirty blonde hair is pulled back and her eyes are cold and accusing. I fight the urge to back up and run. I force a smile and look her straight in the eyes and say, "Nothing, I'm just thinking about how happy I am. In my mind I'm thinking I about how much I hate my life. I bit my tounge though and keep my mouth shut and thoughts locked away. "Why are you biting your lips. Do you need to tell me something?" , She says. Damn her and her overly observant self. I make my fake smile even bigger and force out the words. "I'm fine..perfectly fine and I just am hungrey.", I say. "So your a cannibal now." She says shockingly cool. Before this whole incident happened I thought she would be joking,but I knew better that now she was surely not. Her voice and eyes feel as if their peircing me. " Maybe I am." I say pretending to take a bite out of my arm. She rolls her eyes and turns away. She's probably exhausted from her interrogation. The moment she's out of the room I grab my sneakers and not minding to tie them.I run outside. My feet pad against the sidewalk concrete making a weird slapping sound,but I don't pause I keep running. I don't feel safe in that home. Every single day I feel like the Guards will be pounding on my door and grabbing me up with their hard,cold fingers. I can see myself flaling and screaming,but no one doing anything. I push the thoughts away and run faster. I always have run away from the bad things in life. I remember when I was younger and I didn't have to worry about all this. I could cry without having the fear of being taken away. I could hang out with I wanted to and truly be me. Now a days my whole life is changed. Four years was when I passed over to becoming a teenager. When your a teen you can be taken for depression .Younglings can't go because they are still considered babies that need taking care of. They can cry and live their lives until their awful thirteenth birthday where everything will change. I flick my blonde hair out of my eyes. I have been running now for twenty five minutes,but I just can't shake the feeling of unease and fear from my body. I turn onto 42nd street. I sigh relief.This place makes me feel so calm and safe. I remember when the government closed down Broadway. The signs that used to advertise the amazing shows now show government slogans and things about Happy Smiles. No one goes here anymore. It truly hurts me to think about all the people that used to go here and love this place. I hear a rustle. I look up and around me. Just the wind I assure myself. I sit down on one of the steps. I love this place it makes me go back to the past. I hear another noise .I call out,"Who's there?" No one answers and I hear my voice echoe against the bare  walls of the cold buildings. That's when I here it.At first I think I'm tricking myself,but I hear footstops and then a shadow by one of the buildings.When I see the shadow I get up backing away. i'm about to run again when a small voice says,"Don't go...I'm here."

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