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I couldn't believe what I did. Adam didn't talk to me for the rest of the day. The next day I loged on to my computer and then to Skype. I then started to research Mammoths for my science homework. I actually quite like science, my best subject. I was almost done when Skype popped up with a message. It was from Adam.

"Hi, wanna call?" It read. I typed back accepting it and I instantly got a call. 

"Heyyy" Adam said smiling.

"Hi" I said a little embarrassed.

"Are you still  embarrassed from yesterday, I know you didn't fart, I still want to know why you were blushing!" Adam said, expecting an answer.

"Umm well....uh" I stalled

"I'l get it out of you one day!" Adam said jokingly, or was he? I just nervously laughed at that. After we just played games until seven at night.

"Aww crud, I gotta go" Adam said sadly

"Ok see you!" I said nicely

"Oh wait, where are you from, I'l tell you!" Adam asked.

"Oh..uh" The truth or not the truth....the truth."Northumberland"

"Cool, I'm from Essex, did you say Northumberland?"


"Cool, I go there for Christmas sometimes!"

"Nice, we should meet someti-"

"ADAM" Adams mum shouted.

"Byee" Adam said. 

"Bye!" I said happily. Oh my... he wanted to meet!

The next morning I went to school, ugh. At least I could see my friends! I met them in the usual place, by the bench.

"Hey Jasmine!" Zoey said.

"Hiii" I said, a little too happily. Then I saw the look on their faces. Were they beginning to suspect? No.

"Are you ok?" Charlotte said "You seem, very happy"

"I've never been better" I said with a twirl.

"You have a crush, don't you?"Leah asked.

"NO" I said, a little loud as people looked at me, then returned to their business.

"Hmm...well your doing the same thing when you were hiding your crush on Tom-" I cut Zoey off with a scream,covering my ears. People looked at me again.

"Oh yeah! Tommy!" Charlotte said. I began to scrunch up into a ball. My friends laughing at me. Tommy Burns..ew. He is an idiot, I don't even know why I had a crush on him!

"Oh yeah, Having a sleepover on Saturday, you guys are invited" Charlotte said enthusiastically.

"We can get Jasmines secret out" Zoey said. Everyone agreed but me. Then the bell went. I could tell this was NOT gonna be a fun Saturday.

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