Chapter 1

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Alaina's POV

Today was the 3rd time that my ex boyfriend Adrian has threatened to kill me he has been doing drugs and I got tired of bailing him out of jail so I broke up with him. He was pissed but i got over it until last night i got a call.


I was lying in my bed doing my Calculus homework when my phone starts ringing. I hurried up and answer without checking the caller ID. Big mistake. It was my ex Adrian we met a few years ago at the beach. I liked him at first and he started hitting on me after a while i thought we fell in love and we moved in together. I broke up with him cause i was spending my money on a stupid guy bailing his ass out of jail and paying his fines. Dudes a drugy and a pathetic person that will get bored of you and cheat. "Hello" I said in an irritated voice didn't want to talk to anyone needed my homework done before my teacher yells at me. " You stupid bitch don't use that fucking tone with me get me the hell out of jail now!!!!!!" He said. " No, do you not understand the word over cause i dumped your drugy ass im not gonna take it back either!"I yelled i hated hearing his voice it gives me a headache."You're so lucky im in jail right now or i would right that pretty little head of your of your neck" he whispered not wanting the cops to hear. I hung up after that.



I hope you guys like sorry for the shortness i will update soon!

- veronica :)

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