Chapter 4

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Alex's POV

I drive back to school to grab my bag. Practice has been long over. The gym is empty except for the janitor whose staring at me,

"Hey! I need to wax the floors! Get your stuff and get out!"

"Alright mister, don't worry. I just have to run into the locker room and grab my sweats."

I walk into the locker room and thrown my sweats on over my basketball shorts, I grab my headphones out of my locker and I put on my polo boots and North Face fleece. Where I'm going I'm going to need it.

I walk out to my car and put the key in the engine, I let it sit for a minute so the engine can heat up. I turn on the radio and I lower it so it's alomost muted, playing is Justin Timberlake's "Mirrors". I make a right out of the school parking lot, then a left, and about 4 miles down I make another right. I pass 3 small streets, they alternate the direction in which cars can travel. One is up, one is down, up and then down. I drive down the last street and park my car. Grabbing my iPod and my headphones I get out of my car. I step over the frost covered mulch, onto the wet pavement and over to the wobbly dock. I love this dock.

I sit down and I listen to my surroundings. It's getting dark so it's relatively silent. This is where I come to think. I sit down on the dock and watch the water Taxi's pass by. Then I watch the police boat drive by and then I see little sailboats. I count the number of boats that pass under the bridge and I can't help but think how nice that must be. Life out on the water. I know sitting here is always when I'm calmest. At the pier it's like a serene universe.

You can see the progression of age all around you. In the summertime you have couples taking walks with strollers and newborn babies, you have the family who is walking with their 1 year old for the first time. You have the couples who are taking wedding pictures with the scenic valley as their background and you have the couples who take picnics on the sand while they contemplate their baby's name. Then you have teenagers walking around trying to "break the ice" and the elderly who sit and feed the birds together. You can tell that they've been together for at least fifty years.

I can't help but feel jealousy for them, who doesn't want to be together for fifty years and live to tell the tale. This is my thinking spot and I hope to share it with someone one day. Maybe it will be Ally. With the way I fucked up, I would be lucky if she ever wants to see me again.

That's why I'm here. To beat myself up. How could I not warn her that Daisy was a psychopath with an agenda. It's my fault that she's hurt and it's my fault she can't play.

I look at my iPod and see that I've been here almost two hours. I search my pockets and see that Tito has called me four times. He's probably on his way here now.

"Dammit Alex, don't you ever pick up your phone!"

"I know, I know. I was-"

"Thinking... yeah I know" he says "I swear sometimes that you should have been born a damn fish."


"What's got you all worked up? Is it the girl? Trouble in paradise already?"

"She's not a girl, her name is Allison."

"I'm sorry man. Is it Allison?"

"Tito, do you remeber Daisy?"

"That crazy  stalker girl? Yeah I remember her. But what does she have to do with anything?"

"She has it out for Allison. She purposely pegged the ball at her ankle while she was doing her rope jumps and Ally fell down and sprained her ankle really bad."

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