Part 3: the worst text you could get

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Marks plane had landed in the Dublin airport. So he calls Sean.
Mark: hey I'm in Dublin.
Sean: ok I'm on my way
Mark: ok I love you. He hangs up
Sean: well let's go get him
He walks up to the cop that is watching over him.
Sean: marks at the airport ready?
Officer: let's go
They get in the cop car.
Officer: we're 20 minutes away.
Buzz buzz
Sean: hmm a text from Mark
Opens up his phone
Text: we have Mark
Sean: of f- officer they have Mark
Officer: who has Mark?
Sean: the person that's out to get me, got Mark, hurry!
The cop puts on his lights and siren.
Officer: hold on
They go about 90 mph.
Sean: don't worry Mark, I'll kill whoever took you

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