Chapter 1

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Jhene POV

I'm like, "Hey, what's up? Hello."
Seen your pretty ass soon as you came in the door
I just wanna chill, got a sack for us to roll
Married to the money, introduced her to my stove
Showed her how to whip it, now she remixin' for low
She my trap queen, let her hit the bando
We be countin' up, watch how far them bands go
We just set a goal, talkin' matchin' Lambos
A 50, 60 grand, prob' a hundred grams though
Man, I swear I love her how she work the damn pole
Hit the strip club, we be letting bands go
Everybody hating, we just call them fans though
In love with the money, I ain't ever letting go

"Ughh fuck" I said as I turned off my phone clock letting me know its time for me to get up for school knowing I don't want to but its my senior year so I got to finish this out. So with that being said I went to my bathroom to take a 30 minutes shower after I was done with that I got out my clothes to see what I'm wearing.

Today I'm wearing my red crop top with my black leggings and my red and black Jordan's I decided to put my hair up into a messy bun and put on nude make up after I was done I decided to call my girls summer and Trina to see if they wanted me to come pick them up so we can go to school together.

***Phone convoy***
Me: y'all bitchs want me to come get y'all.
S:well damn hoe good morning to ur ass too.
T:I know right her ass ain't going give us a hey lol.
Me: shut up anyways y'all be ready I'll be there in 15minutes.
Both:iight bye.

As y'all can see they crazy but that's why I love them so much but anyways let me go hop in my car so I can go pick up my hoes. Before I went to my car I went to my dads office to see if he was in there and yes he was.

"Bye daddy I'm going to school now I'll see you later"

"Okay baby girl u got ur 9 on u just in case shit pops off"

"Of course daddy u know I do I learned from the best to always keep something on me"

"That's daddy's baby girl now go ahead I love you"

"I love you too daddy" I said to him as I gave him a kiss on his forehead making my way to my all white rang rover.

Blasting Rhianna bitch better have my money I pulled up to summer's house I beed my horn to let them know I'm outside within 10 second both summer and Trina came outside looking bad as always.

"Heyy my babes"I said in my ratchet ass voice.

"Hey boo" they said at the same time.

Within the next 20min we pulled up to Gardensvill high school(made up) now let me tell y'all about this school it's ghetto as hell u got people fighting every day niggas every where trying to fuck something just crazy as hell.

Summer:"I'm so glad this is my last year in this bitch its so fuckin ghetto in here"she says making a ugly face while looking around.
Trina:"bitch who u telling I can't stand it here its to much but yo Jhene there go Mason"she says looking at me trying to see if imma blush.
Me"And I don't care"knowing I'm telling a damn lie.
Summer"bitch we know u lying its okay if you want him" damn why she got to be right.
Me"hell naw y'all trying to get him killed y'all know he works for my dad" they both know how my dad is about his workers trying to get with me he don't play with that.

**Ring ring**
"See y'all at lunch"I said to them walking away so I can get to my first class.
"Bye boo"they both said.
So I'm walking to my first class Mr.Reggs he cool but an asshole at the same time when I get in class I see the deckes trued together that means we have a partner project to do.

"Hello class as y'all can see we doing a partner project today so look for ur names on the desk when y'all find ur name and partners you will begin ur project about what has been going on in this world it can be anything so let's get started"

I looked for my name when I finally found it I noticed me and Mason are partners oh lord why is this happening right now I just hope I can focus on the project.

"Looks like I'm going be ur partner for 2weeks huh"he says smiling showing off his dimples that I love so much.

"I guess so umm what do you want this to be about I was thinking we can talk about how cops are killing people for the wrong reasons if that's ok with you"I said trying not to stare in his eyes.

"Sure anything you want ma"he says making me blush lord I want him so bad damn why he got to work for my dad.

***Skipping to lunch***
Summer"sooo I heard mason is ur partner for the senior year project"damn you see why I hate this school.

Me:"yeah he is for 2weeks this is going to be a long project god I hate his class"

Trina:"girl me to cause I got summer's big headed brother I can't stand him"she says lying her ass off

Summer:" I don't even know why u trying to play games you know u like my brother so shut up"she says making me laugh cause its true she trina liked him since the longest they both just playing games.

Trina:"whatever anyways I'll see y'all hoes later my mom wants me to come home for some reason.

Both of us"bye boo" with that being said me and summer walked to our lockers to get what we need for next class.

***Skipping to end of the day***

So after I went to drop summer off at her house I went home to see my dads car not in the drive way so that means he at one of his traps handling business so I decided that imma take a shower than cook dinner I'm hungry as hell so I went up stairs put my phone on the aux cord playing music while I'm in the shower. within 20 minutes I was out the shower I threw on my Mickey mouse shorts and top to match and went down stairs to cook fried fish and mac&cheese for me and dad I was cooking when all of a sudden I hear my dad's voice along with more and one that I know every well its Mason.

"There goes daddy's baby girl"he says sounding drunk as hell.

"Hey daddy are u drunk"

"Yes I am we had a celebration in ur mother's honor I miss ur mom"he says sounding like he about to cry seeing him like this makes me wanna cry.

"I know so do I daddy but I can still feel her hey guys can you put him in his room for me please"I asked suave and Aaron.

"Yeah sure come on boss time for u to hit the sheets you know miss Carson wouldn't like you like this"Aaron said while taking him up the stairs and he was right my mom would have cussed him out.

"I know you hate seeing him like this I guess he really loved ur mom"Mason says bringing me out my thoughts.

"Um yeah they was together for some years before she passed I hate the fact she never coming back"I say crying my eyes out my mom was my best friend we talked about everything.

"Hey look at me I never knew ur mom but I saw a picture of her you look just like her I'm sure she's looking down on y'all don't cry you too beautiful to be crying ma"he say Wapping tears from my eyes making feel a Lil better.

"Thank you" I said trying not to blush.

"Yo Jhene he knocked out he should be good for the night"Aaron says as him and suave coming down the stairs.

"Okay thank you guys so much"

"Well we about to go but um here is my number if you wanna talk about anything okay"he says giving me his number.

"Okay thank you"

"Ur welcome ma"he says bringing me closer to him to give me a kiss on my cheek.

After they left I locked the door and went upstairs to go kiss my dad good night after I did that I went to my room to go to sleep while Mason is on my mind lord please help me I think I'm feeling him.

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