chapter 26 *

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Flame POV

Me and Scarlett where walking in the sewers when she slipped off the edge of a drain pipe. She fell directly into a pit of mice. I grabbed my grappling hook and caught it on the wall and jumped.

Scarlett POV

I was falling. When am I going to hit something? Than I saw Flame he jumped down a saved me.....
He pulled me up and I stayed in his arms for a while. My heart is beating so fast. My face is hot. Am I blushing? "Scarlett are you ok?" "Yes, I was so scared. I thought I was going to die." I started crying and I shoved my head in his chest. "It's ok I got you." He started whispering little nothings in my ear. But it calmed me down.

Flame POV

After a while I picked Scarlett up and I started heading home. She's asleep, she's so cute when she sleeps. Wait what am I saying? But she's so cute. No she's my cousin. Well my parents and her parents weren't actually related. So she's not my cousin. I might just have a chance with her. But she probably doesn't like me.

Guys your probably wondering what I'm talking about. Well, the truth is I've liked Scarlett for a couple months or more like a year.

"Flame I love you"

I heard Scarlett say. My eyes widen and my breath stops for a minute. I look down and her eyes are on me. Her checks are red, her mouth is open,and I want to kiss her. I lean down and kiss her. She gasps but kisses back.


The two pre teens where making out. Flame put Scarlett down and put his arms around her waist. And she put her arms around his neck.


Hey guys I hope you like. I kinda left you at a cliff hanger. But at the same time I didn't. If that makes any since to you then awesome. If not just go with it. I would like if you guys could give me ideas on how to get Simba and Kimberly together. Love always raphaelray03.

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