Four✧Meeting Malum

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I'll start updating on Thursdays. I might do a character ask soon but I doubt anyone will ask anything.

Dedication- GriggsME for the comment c:

"This is Calum and this is my submissive, Luke." Ashton gestured between the dominant and submissive boy.

Calum reached out his hand to shake Luke's. Ashton have him a reinsuring nudge and he took the other Dominants hand in his small one.

"This is Michael, my submissive." Calum gestured to the Lilac haired boy with a small stuffed lion. Luke nods, waving a little making the other submissive blush.

Luke follows them to the kitchen where Mrs. Brooks, the maid, was making dinner.

Ashton sat down across from the two, motioning for Luke to come and sit on his lap and he does, resting his head on Ashton's shoulder.

Ashton caressed Luke's upper thigh, smirking at Luke's responses. Ashton knew the boy had never been touched, Luke was so innocent. It took everything he had not to pin Luke down right now, the boy was teasing Ashton without even knowing.

"Sir?" Michaels tugged on his dominants sleeve. Calum kept his full attention on Ashton, ignoring Michael. "Sir." He said louder, but Calum shrugged the submissive away.

Soon the submissive's eyes welled up with tears and put his head down. "S-stop ignoring me." He sniffed. Calum glared at him, "It was nice meeting you Luke, thank you for dinner Ash." He stood up from his chair, forcefully pulling Michael with him. Before they could say goodbye the two had already disappeared out the door.

"W-what happened?" Luke looked at Ashton. "Punishment." Ashton lifted the smaller boy from his lap placing him on his feet.

"Tomorrow you'll get your award." Ashton to took the small boys hand in his and led him up stairs into their bed room. "Sir I'm a-"

"A virgin." Ashton finished for him. Luke blushes and nods, starting to feel embarrassed. "Don't be embarrassed and don't be nervous. We will wait for that, when ever you're ready." Ashton kisses the boys forehead.

He knows he would have sex with Ashton eventually, thats what Luke is here for, but he was scared.

A/n: thoughts on Malum? Filler chapter.

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