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"Please explain what you think happened that night, Jessica."

"I already told you, I was framed. The man came and murdered my family. He knocked me out and stabbed my stomach. The knife was only in my hand to make it look like I did it." I tell Dr. Andrews for what seems like the hundredth time.

"Mmhm," he mumbles jotting down notes. Probably the opposite of what I told him.

"Why doesn't anyone believe me?"

Dr. Andrews takes off his glasses and folds his hands in front of him. "Because it isn't the first time something like this has happened. You were involved in the last murder in this town. All signs point to you."

"Well, just because the signs point to me doesn't mean I did it. Someone is out to get me."

"That makes you even sound even more crazy, Jessica."

"I'm not crazy." I growl. "My family was the only thing I had left. You really thing I would destroy the only thing keeping me together?"

"I'm sorry Jessica." Why is he apologizing?

"What's gonna happen to me?" I ask, leaning back in the plastic chair.

"You'll be spending time at Arabella."

My eyebrows shoot up. "I'm being sent to a fucking asylum?"

"It's better than prison."

"That's bullshit and you know it!" I yell in his demented face. How dare he send me to a mental ward when I'm not even mental!

"Watch your language, I'll-"

"You'll what? Call security? I don't give a fuck about what you do. I have nothing to lose." I smirk. Dr. Andrews sighs and stands up to show me out. Finally.

"Take care of yourself." he says.

"Right." I slump out of the room and look around for the cop that drags me around. He finally comes around the corner with a donut. Wow.

"Can I have some of that?" I ask.

"Absolutely not. Put your hand behind your back."

I do as he says. The cold metal of the handcuffs rub against my skin, irritating the already formed scratches. People eye my handcuffs as we travel to the elevator. I glare at them making them look away, pretending they had never saw me. Of course, there was a child in the elevator who kept asking his mommy why I was tied up and I proceeded to say, "Look kid, if you get me a donut, I'll give them to you." The mom and the kid are the first people off the elevator.

We leave the weird ass building and I climb into the back seat of the police car laughing. The police man turns up the radio drowning out my voice.

"Why do I have to wear these?" I ask the cop. No answer. "WHY DO I HAVE TO WEAR THESE!" I  yell kicking his seat. The man calmly lowers the volume.

"Because, your a killer and killers wear handcuffs." he says.

"Gotcha," Now I know why movie characters rub their wrists after being tied up, it hurts like hell.

Twenty long minutes later, we arrive in front of a huge mansion. It's the kind of mansion in horror movies where the couple buys it and they get slaughtered by some guy with a chainsaw.

The cop who's name is Jake unlocks my hand cuffs and hands me a brush.

He notices my confused look. "Fix your hair, you look like shit."

"Thanks but not thanks." I toss the brush back to him and zip my raincoat. A small jacket doesn't help in thirty degree weather, neither do sandals.

"Come on," Jake pulls me up the stairs and inside the double doors. My eyes widen at the sight of a huge staircase and statues of men looking at me. Nurses in white dresses and hats scurry around pushing wheelchairs or holding someone's arm.

"You must be Jessica. My name is Carol but you may call me Miss Coleman." a smiling lady walks up to us.

"Ya," I say to her. The woman's blonde hair is pulled back by a tight bun. She doesn't wear a hat or white dress but a black one that reaches the floor. It reminds me of a strict Sunday school teacher.

"Well, come along now." she dismisses Jake. We climb the huge staircase while she explained the history of Arabella. Apparently, half of it burned to the ground and destroyed some of the forest around it.

We come to a large closet. Miss Coleman fumbles with keys before she opens it. She hands me two cotton dresses, a sweater, wool socks, and a pair of black boots.

"I'll take you to your room so you can change, alright?"

I nod and follow her down some more hallways. We pass people hunched over in corners. A man hit himself with a newspaper over and over again cursing about nothing.

"What's wrong with him?" I ask.

"No one really knows. No one knows why these poor people do this." the woman tells me. "Here we are."

She opens a cell. A cell. This really is prison.

It's not that bad though. A cot sits in a corner and a table next to it. The space is not so small that I'm claustrophobic. Screams echo trough the hall and the woman grimaces.

"Try to ignore it." she says, placing a hand on my shoulder.

I shrug away and enter my cell. She locks the door behind me.

"Hollar if you need anything!" she yells through the small barred window. I give her a fake smile and put the new clothes down on my cot. Why do asylums have to be so cold?

Hi!!! so this is my book. some of it is based off of AHS so if you watch that it might help with this book and if not it will still make sense. You just get a better picture of what a creepy asylum looks like by watching that show. Anyway, I hope you like this book even though it probably really sucks like everything else I write but whatever


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