Chapter 1

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I hate to fit into every single book stereotype, but I, well I'm a cutter. I cut my arms, my legs my stomach, anywhere I think people won't find it- especially him. As much as I'd like to fight the battle that you dont need a man to be happy, I for one, cannot agree. He is the main reason I wont cut. He helps me, he improves me. Don't even get me started on him in general, his eyes, his smile, his dimples, his concerned look and his voice when he says my name, he's the butterfly on my arm the thing that is going to stop me, even if he doesn't even know it, he is going to be the thing that sets me free , lets me go from my own enclosure, makes me, me again and he won't even know it.

He looks at me with his enchanting brown eyes, I'm not going to lie, they're like daggers to the heart, but who can blame me have you seen him, he is the lad two streets down, the one with a grin and a cackle in his laugh, y'know the one I mean, the one who I always have a smile on my face around, because I'm that in love with him. Have I told you about the time he took me to the rides, we brought others as well but it was the best day ever, I spent most of the time with him never mind Leo, Gracie, Theo and Joan, don't get me wrong I love them (not like that) but he is the only person I want to be with, he is the person I would love to wake up to find a message from, the person to tell I love you too every day ,then to kiss him on the lips and not to be afraid to say I was day dreaming about him.

That day when we were at the rides, he was the one that bought everything, he bought me candy floss, and he was also the one to hold my hair when I was sick after we ate the candy floss then went on the terminator. he is such a sweetie, I like him so much, the way he tells me stuff and when he is, he tells everyone else to fuck off, we had one of those conversations at the rides he was telling me something that was important to me and how he really thought I could help, I wish he hadn't told me, when those words came out of his mouth "can you ask Gracie out for me". Everything rushed through my mind and it hurt me to have to say yes and to then hear her say yes, that's when I started my plot to make him jealous.


My first plan was to get a boyfriend, it worked, but did it make him jealous: "Jamie, come here I need to talk to you". Jamie is awesome he were a good friend of mine until 'he' happened.

"Yeah sure, what do you want." he speaks to me and I'm happy that I've finally spoke to him again after all this time.

"Well" I pause not knowing how to actually say the words right "Jamie if you haven't noticed im in love with Luke" I take a deep breath

"Which Luke?" he looks at me so shocked and very deeply and confused.

"Luke brooks and also I was wondering if you could maybe help me out". Jamie's expression deepened

"how". He replies with a worried look

"well luke is going out with a lass called Gracie but I like Luke so much it's unreal and I can't go by each day seeing them together..."before I can finish what I was going to say he interrupts me

"im not splitting anyone up ,sorry but no" I laugh and he looks confused

"I want to make him jealous, and I was wondering if you would do me the honour of being my fake boyfriend" I can tell he understands now

"Well of course my lady, It will be an honour to be your fake boyfriend" we chuckle as he courtesy's and kisses my hand.

"we have to be in full role though, like when we're near him we will have to kiss and hold hands and both of our relationship status' will have to be changed, if that's okay". Serious talk I hate it.

"Of course it is, it's obvious you really like him, and it won't do anyone harm to try and get, who it was again?...... Luke brooks attention, wait a minute lacey, is he that lad out of the janoskians, omfg lacey couldn't of picked and easier lad to impress, okay then first of all, does he know you exists?" he looks at me like I haven't even prepared all of this

"Of course he knows who Iam, I've been his best friend for like 5 years now" he face mellows

"Well, have you been friend zoned yet?" the one thing I didn't want to of been

"Well we'll soon find out won't we?" he smirks then holds my hand and wraps his arm around my waist and we walk to the cafeteria

Few days later

Me and Jamie have been trying, like loads for Luke to notice but he keeps acting normal, its been 3 weeks since him and Gracie got together and we haven't hung out properly since I feel like im losing him and its tearing me apart.

"Hello stranger how you been" a familiar voice from behind speaks and before I know it the butterflies are racing around my body, there's one person behind me, Luke.

"Hiya, been well with Jamie now" but before I finish it all he has me in a bear hug, my tummy is aching from the butterflies, I pull us apart even though as much as I don't want to.

"So yeah I did hear about you and Jamie but im not here to talk about that, im here with you at this moment in time, to discuss with you, why you haven't been speaking to me, and how Iam going to be taking you out tonight to have a proper catch up, no no's allowed". My heart is pumping really fast and I look at him with such blankness

"Luke, it's not me that hasn't been speaking, it's you, since you and Gracie have been going out you haven't been speaking to me, it's like she replaced me as your best friend". I can't believe I said that, all my thoughts are running through my head and the quick escape shows up. "Jamie" I shout his name really loudly that he quickly runs over and plants a big one right on my face, Luke's face was not pleased, I smile and giggle to make it believable so when I look up again Luke has gone and me and Jamie are just stood there so I push him off and we walk to English, coincidently the lesson I sit next to Luke in. great.

authurs note

comment for more ,not sure about it

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