Shatter Me

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Auria's POV

My heart was shattered. I was shattering, shards flying. I walked away, smiling smugly. "Now to find that mage." I muttered. I stumbled along the walls. My limbo self was trapped. Frozen, in something like ice. Encased. Sharp stones of the castle floors cut my feet. I started walking slower. I clung to the wall. I was holding my side. I fell to my knees and removed my hand from my side.

I was bleeding out.

Blood was all over my hand and side. I clung to it and tried to stand. I slid down the wall, holding my side again. My eyes were fluttering. I hung onto my consciousness. The crystal around my conscience was breaking. I could move my arm now. I tapped the crystal and it completely shattered. I started falling. I clung the last piece of crystal to my chest and bed out my arm as I fell into the darkness. It covered my vision completely.

Arlyn's POV

I was strolling the castle when I found Auria lying against the wall. She was unconscious and blood was everywhere. Her hand was covering her side. I rushed over to her and moved her hand. A huge wound was across her side. I used some healing magic to slow down her death, but she'd already lost too much blood. The only way I could keep her alive was to keep on healing and get her to a medic. I picked her up bridal style and continued healing. The wound started closing. I ran back into the infirmary.

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