Chapter 3

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"Thanks" I said to Maya said as she dropped me off at my house. My car was in the shop. She smiled. "Reagan, I'm glad. You finally have two guys who seem to care about you. You can finally forget- " she said. "Don't Maya. Just don't." I sighed. She bite her lip. "Sorry" her phone went off. "I've gotta go. My mom needs me. I'll text you later." I nodded. I got out of the car. And she drove off. I sighed, unlocked my door and went in. I through my bag on the coffee table. "Ray" a voice said. "Dad" I said. "Um no do I look like your dad" a girl said stepping into the living room. "Aunt Lauren" I said ingulfing her in a hug. Lauren was my mom's sister. "What are you doing here" I asked in amazement. "What I can't come visit my favorite niece." She smiled. She was mom younger sister. Lauren was 38. My mom was 42. She was the opposite of my mom. My mom was very prim and proper. While Lauren was loud out there and a punk. I smiled back her. "I see you got your lip pierced" she said pointing to my lip. I nodded. "Its pretty. I like it" Lauren smiled. "Also I got a tattoo" I said showing her my forearm. She traced the ink and smiled. "You're mom and I have matching tat-" she stopped. "Mom had a tattoo. My mother anti tattoo girl had a tattoo" I said shocked. My aunt nodded her head. She lifted up her sleeve to reveal a small infinity heart that said little sister. "You're moms said big sister. We got then for her 21st birth day." My aunt said tears in her eyes. "She loved you and your dad. I still miss her. Your are never supposed to bury your mom at 18. You're supposed to be well into your life with a couple of kids. Not just starting life" my aunt cried. She took and deep breath and wiped the tears from her eyes. "Anyway, I came here to ask you if you would you be my maid of honor in my wedding." She smiled. "What really." I said. She smiled tears of joy welled in her eyes. "Kyle, asked me a month ago. Can you believe it" she said showing me the ring. Kyle was her highschool sweetheart. The ring was a huge diamond and a sliver ring. "Oh my god, that's so beautiful and yes I'll be your maid of honor. " I smiled engulfing her in a hug. "Thank you Reagan." she looked down at her watch. "I have to go. I'll be back for dinner but I have to do some wedding stuff I'll be back in like two hours okay" she smiled. I nodded and she hugged me and left. I then went up stairs to lay down and watch TV. "Previously on Glee"

After two hours of Glee. There was a knock at my bedroom door. "Come in" I said. "Hey honey how was school" my dad said sitting on my bed. "Fine, I guess is Aunt Lauren back." I asked playing with one of my Twenty One Pilots bracelet. "Yes, but I'd like to talk to you. Your Aunt Told me you got your lip pierced and a tattoo. I now I know it's been hard since your mom died. But Regan this isn't you. You know how I feel about all this. I demanded you take the ring out and keep that tattoo covered. And the school called if you skip again with Maya I will ground you and not let you see her. She's a bad influence on you. And bring those grades up young lady." he said. My heat exploded in sadness and anger. "No, I fucking wont take the ring out. No I fucking will not cover up the tattoo. No Maya is not a fucking bad influence. And I'm trying okay. You can't all of a sudden pretend to be of the fucking year just because my Aunt shows up. You haven't cared for five motherfucking months so why now."I screamed. "Regan Lee Marshall, you watch your tone young lady" he yelled. "Get the fuck out of my room now "I screamed tears streaming down my face. "Reagan, I -" his tone softened. "Get the fuck out and leave me the fuck alone. I hate you" I screamed. "Ray please" he said. "Get out and don't ever fucking call me that again" I screamed. "Fred, what the hell did you do to her" my aunt said running in the room. Tears streaming down my face. "Shh Regan Im here. Breath darling" she said engulfing me in s hug. "Reagan I'm sor-" my dad said. "Fred just get out. And just take a drive " My aunt said her tone harsh. "Lauren I - " he stammered. "Fred just get the hell out of here" she yelled. He looked like a puppy who had been kicked. He glanced at me and left. Lauren slammed the door at his back. I feel to my knees and cried out. Lauren sat down next to me and let me cry. "I hate him. I hate myself. I hate the world. I hate Shawn. I hate everyone but you, Maya, and mom." I cried out. She rubbed my back. The last thing I remember was falling asleep.

A:N hey guys sorry it took so long I got writers block and school and remember to vote and comment. Love you guys ∞ ♥

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2015 ⏰

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