Why I never told

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Ayesha in media
Ayesha pov
Well I'm Ayesha Brooks I'm the mother of Alesha and Nolen I met August in seventh grade we was friends then in are Senior year there was this end of the year party at this boy named Christopher house me and August had a lot to drink and the next morning I woke in Chris guess bedroom with August's arm around me two weeks later I started eating more and throwing up so my Aunt Destiny took me to the doctors where I found out I was pregnant with Alesha I was to scared to tell August because he said he didn't wanna have any kids his career was just getting started I moved out of my aunt's house and went to live with my grandma who August never met so I knew he wouldn't come look for me here when Alesha turned two we moved to Atlanta I moved into this apartment complex and found a job as accountant where I met Noah we started dating we had Nolen one day I came home he had some hoe up in my house where friends now and he has wife name is Taylor they have daughter named Taryn she's five I now own a hair salon called Bold Beauty
Back to story
I was at work do a sew in for one my clients once I was finished I sat down taking a break when my friend Brianna she's also Keyonna's mom walked in
Hi bitch she yelled
Hi hoe I yelled back
So what are you gonna do for Lesha's 17birthday next week she asked
I don't even know probably go on a trip to the Bahamas since she been asking to go there since she was 8
Oh I like that idea need to find me a swim suit them men down there be sexy af she said fanning herself
I started laughing who said you was coming I said
Brianna Lay Palmer said so but you know who's birthday is also September 3rd she said know I didn't wanna say that persons name
You need to tell her that's her dad you know he has a concert down here on his birthday you should send Alesha and her friends down there for her birthday she said
I mean I know she loves his music but aren't the tickets sold out I said
Well I took it upon myself and bought three tickets for the girls She said smiling
I don't think I want her to go what if he doesn't accepts her I said getting up and pulling out weave packets beads hair clips hair bands and combs getting ready for my next client
Stop thinking negative I'll drop the girls off and at the end of the meet and greet you go pick them up he might remember you she said
Why is that I asked looking curious
Well him and some hoe was coming out of foot locker I was walking in to get Key a pair of Jordan eclipse cause she starts track and field next month he walked up to me and said my name he asked how I been but I told him I had to go meet up with you he smiled when I said your name and I left
Why didn't you tell m-gco
Just as I was about to finish my sentence the door opened I saw a woman I thought I would never see again

~Who do you think Ayesha saw.

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