The Beginnging

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I slam my hand in my alarm clock almost breaking it. I feel a stinging pain in my hand.

"Fuck." I muttered aloud rubbing my hand. I got up and stretched. I open my windows to let the sunlight it. I throw on a baggy t-shirt and shuffle through my apartment to get to my kitchen. I start making my normal breakfast. I eat it quickly. When I finish I jump in the shower and do my morning routine.

I walk back to my room and put on a black shirt and short jean shorts with converse. I put my hair in a ponytail and do my make up. I started to pack my bag for today since I didn't know what to expect from going to the applicant test.

I pack matches, water, m&m's, 2 lighters, and a unlit torch. This all fit in my (f/c) jan sport back pack. I walked out of my apartment and headed to the address given. I took out my lighter and started to eat the fire that appeared when I clicked the button as I walked through town.

"Mommy! That girl is eating fire!" I heard a little boy squeal.

His mom didn't even bother looking up. "You have some imagination there dear." She said.

I giggled to myself and popped another flame in my mouth and winked at the little boy. His eyes just widened in Shock. "Mommy! She did it again!!"


After awhile I finally got to the mansion. I walked in and I saw some people sitting on the couches. There was a boy with Snow White hair and blue eyes sitting with another guy with golden brown eyes and dark hair that stood up defying the laws of gravity. I over heard them talking about seeing their friend Kurapika again. They seemed to be around my age as well. I looked around the room more and saw a girl with blue eyes and blond hair. I heard her introducing herself to the boy next to her, her name turned out to be Ritz. The boy she was talking to had blond hair and green eyes. I overheard his name and it was Ransu.

I also spotted another girl in the corner. I decided to go I introduce myself to her, but I had forgotten I was eating my fire and I popped another little flame in my mouth and I heard the guy with gravity defying hair jump up. "Y-you just ate fire!!" He said in amazement.

I laughed and said "Haha, I did."

"You must be a Transmuter." The boy with messy white hair said.

I nodded and swung my backpack down my arm and put my lighter back in it.

"I'm Gon!" The golden eyed boy introduced himself.

"Killua." The blue eyed guy said.

I smiled at them "(y/n)."


Gon and Killua were talking to me and telling me about themselves. They're actually really interesting.

There was a total of six people in the room when a voice came out of a speaker and a video image of a boy came up on this screen, that I had thought was a painting.

He was blond and maybe a year or two older than me. "Before you become an official bodyguard, you must complete a task." He said. "This task could take you a couple hours, or it could take you a week. It depends on your skill and intellect. Everyone will be given a object to retrieve. Be back in exactly one week."

A series of pictures of objects appeared on the screen with a description and peoples names under them that were assigned to a specific object.

The man came back up on the screen and said "Whoever doesn't make it back doesn't get the job. Good luck getting out of the mansion." Was the last thing he said before the screen clicked off, turning back to its normal painting.

"That was Kurapika!" Gon cheered.

"So we did come to the right place."
Killua said.

"I'm confused, please explain." I said.

"That guy in the screen is Kurapika. He's an old friend of ours, and since me and Killua haven't been busy lately we decided to come in work for him for awhile." Gon said.

"Oh, I see... But why did he say 'good luck' getting out of the mansion?'"  I asked but then all of a sudden the floor in the room began to drop like a elevator going 100mph.

"What the hell is going on!?!" I heard one of the applicants scream.

"It's a part of the test!" The girl I saw alone tell back. "We have to make it stop!"

Gon and Killua smirked at each other like they were about to play some game or something. "Ok whoever stops this first the other had to buy dinner." Gon said.

"Deal." Killua said.

"Hey! I want in!" I added. The both smirked.

Everyone was still baffled and confused while looking for a 'stop' button and some were holding on for dear life. 

"Ready." Gon said.

"Set." Killua followed.

"Go!!" I yelled.

The three of us got to work on trying to stop the elevator. I activated my nen and set my hand on fire. I clawed the side of the wall as the floor sped downwards until it came to a screeching stop. I welded the floor and the wall together so it wouldn't move. I looked up and saw we were a good 100
feet from where the exit was.

"Great now how are we going to get out?"  I heard Ransu say.

"We climb." Ritz said. She activated her nen and it was this sticky like thing and she started to climb the side of the wall to get out. Then I saw the girl from the corner of the room who has blue hair activate her nen which seemed to be a manipulator and she manipulated the gravity around her so it would be like she was sliding down up to the exit.

Killua has his electricity and I heard him yell "God Speed" as he started running up the wall and Gon just groaned and used his nen to shoot out of his feet and get up at the top and Ransu was climbing. I decided to so the same thing as Gon except with my fire. I made sure my backpack was on my shoulders correct and I pulled it tight on my shoulder so the extra rope was tied around me and I shot my fire nen out my feet to get to the top.

It wasn't long till I had caught up with Gon and Killua they were waiting for
Me at the top. "I guess Gon is buying us dinner." Killua said and made a "nehe" kind of laugh.

"But I was the one who stopped the room? Don't you guys have to buy me-"

Killua interrupted me "yea but I said whoever makes it up first has to buy you and whoever wins dinner." Killua laughed and Gon groaned which made me laugh too.

"How about we get dinner together when we all get the job." I suggested. They both looked at me and smiled.

"Deal!" We all said and went our separate ways.

'See you guys in a week!' I can't wait to start our adventures and meet this Kurapika you seem to be so fond of.'

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2015 ⏰

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