Lol Continue !

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Daphne was Woke up at 5:00 then she go to Shower so fast and Eat a Breakfast ,

Then she go to her Mom's Bedroom and Kisses on Her Moms Forehead and said BYe Mom then she get out

of the Bedroom and write on the Paper  " Mom Bye i Will Miss You I Just Kisses you while you were Sleeping  Bye Mom I Love you

                                                                             ~Daphne xoxo

and then Daphne go to the Airport and then she go to the Airplane she Pray before the Airplane Fly

2 Days Ago she was on the Ireland and she was so shock Bcus Yeh her Friend was There 

Daphne : Yeh !!!

Yeh : Omg Daphne ! 

They Hugged Each Other 

Yeh : Omg I Miss you so much !

Daphne : Same so we gonna ride Taxi ? My Treat 

Yeh : No Need I Have a Car 

Daphne : Okay Lets Ride now where is it ?

Yeh : Over there the Pink with Blue one

Daphne : Cool

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