Chapter 19

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More depth of Elwyn's backstory in this chapter! Pic of her on top, I hope you enjoy!
Oh and have faith I've still got a storyline, though it is sad that this adventure is getting closer to the end. Oh and you might want to prepare yourselves. *wink wink* Anyways Happy reading!



He couldn't breathe.

The poison was taking effect far faster than he had anticipated.

His shoulder was drenched with fresh blood and he could feel more slowly seeping to the surface. But,
it was nothing compared to the pain. It was so excruciating that it took everything he had from crying out as he could feel the poison continue to gnaw and consume his flesh. His side hurt from pushing himself further than his body was letting him, but all he knew was that he had to run or else he would be seen once more and then he would be surely be dead this time. They had attempted to kill him, but instead of hitting his heart, the arrow landed soundly into his shoulder. The the blade of the arrow was poisoned as he soon came to find out, but he hurled himself into the bushes before they could hit him again. He would have fought the invaders, but he had no weapon on his person, but he did know where a sword was. The safe refuge was also the place where the weapons were kept.

In the castle.

      And that was where he was going in order to survive. As well as to warn Elwyn and Trumpkin. The two of them would instantly know what needed to be done. He thought back to the series of events that just occurred.

Everything lost to him.

Everyone he loved, taken.

They were gone.


He could still hear the screams of anguish replaying in his head.  And the pain listening to those screams were far more painful than poison in his shoulder or a cramp in his side.

He did not know what was to come, but he did know that he was running for his life. His very life, and many other innocent ones depended on his sprint to redemption.

      He finally emerged from the woods and into the grassy hills that ran towards the city into a valley below. Behind the city, lay the rocky cliffs where the magnificent Cair Paravel lay upon.
      As he hurriedly ran down the gradual slope, it was saddening to think that the town and court of the castle seemed so peaceful. As if it did not know that there were over five thousand enemy solders about to invade and stop at nothing to kill everyone and everything in sight.
    He had met the leader himself, and had no desire to do so again. Just merely thinking about the pure evil of a man sent shivers up his spine.
  He shuffled the spiraled and fearful thought from his mind, and only focused on his destination.

  The castle.

He soon made it into the outskirts of the town, as he raced through the streets he wanted to cry out and warn the innocent, but something did not feel right. But it was the right thing to do right? In reality it would only make everyone panic, so he knew he needed to speak with Trumpkin and Elwyn first.

     They were no novice when it came to war. Trumpkin was the one who assisted and fought alongside the King to overthrow his wicked of an uncle during the Narnian revolution almost seven years ago.
And Lady Elwyn, well, she was a warrior at heart. She adventure and courage was who she was. She was from the line of King Gale. The brave King of Narnia who held enough courage to face the terrible dragon terrorizing the Lone Islands. Gale sailed to the islands and destroyed the monstrous beast, making the grateful inhabitants of the islands entitle the King as the first Emperor of the Lone Islands. Gales courageous traits passed to Elwyn and she was very experienced with a blade. Everyone on the Islands knew of her, and she was given the highest regard. She was not considered a royal, but of royal descent and was high respected on the islands. She mostly kept out of the towns living in the hills and woods on the secluded north shore of the mildly populated island of Avra of the Lone Islands. All that was known of Lady Elwyn's childhood was a particularly unhappy one. Her mother had died in childbirth bearing a stillborn son when Elwyn was only four, and her father, the governor of the Island of Avra, fell ill a few years later and was found long dead, stiff and cold in his chambers by none other than eight year old Elwyn. Doctor Cornelius, Caspian's childhood tutor and close  friend to Elwyn's father, sailed to the Islands and concluded the cause of his death:

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