Brotatolox - Kisses

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Tyler pouted, resting his head on his boyfriends leg.

"Ty, I'm bored." He whined childishly.

"That's sounds like a personal problem." Ty replied, keeping his focus on his DS. Tyler huffed and sat up.

"Well then." He crossed his arms and walked to the kitchen. Ty shook his head, chuckling slightly. Tyler came in moments later with a muffin they had cooked the day before.

"I'm bored." He repeated before taking a bit of his choclate chip muffin. Ty held out his hand.

"Hi Bored. I'm Ty." Tyler shook his head, taking another bit of his muffin.

"Not funny." Ty grinned, slowly bringing his hand down. He quickly closed the DS and turned to face Tyler.

"Keep whining and you'll get no kisses." He warned playfully. Tyler gasped.

"That's not fair." Ty shrugged, smirking.

"Life's not fair."

"But I want kisses." Tyler pouted. Ty sighed shaking his head.

"No kisses." Tyler turned away and continued eating his muffin.

"Tyler?" Tyler huffed and shook his head.

"No. Your a meanie." Ty snickered at his childish actions. Ty wrapped his arms around Tyler's waist and rested his chin on his shoulder.

"Tyler?" He asked again. Tyler set down the empty wrapper and got up, jogging up the stairs. Ty frowned, beggining to worry that Tyler was actually mad. Ty got up, and followed him. Tyler's door was closed and when he tried the doornob he found it locked.

"Love, you in there?" He knocked on the door. When he didn't get a reply, he knocked again.

"Tyler I was joking, please open the door." He heard the door click, signaling it was unlocked, but it didn't open. Ty opened it himself, steping into the brightly lit room. Tyler sat on his bed, head in his legs.

"Tyler." Ty said softly, walking over to him. Ty gently rested his hand on Tyler's shoulder.

"Love, what's wrong?" Tyler sighed, looking up slightly.

"Y-You still like me. R-Right?" Ty blinked slowly, nodding.

"Of course. I mean, I'm still hear aren't I? Why?" Tyler looked down sadly and shrugged.

"I don't know. I was just thinking and I," He sighed "I got the idea you didn't like me." Ty scooted closer, wrapping an arm loosly around him.

"Well then your crazy because I love you." Tyler smiled leaning against Ty.

"I love you too." He whispered. Ty rubbed his arm with his one hand.

"Can I ask why you thought I didn't like you?" Tyler snuggled closer.

"I was being stupid. I got the idiotic idea that you wouldn't kiss me cause you didn't like me." Ty sat Tyler up so he could face him.

"Your not stupid." Ty scolded, looking him in the eyes. Tyler smiled slightly.

"Thanks." He whispered. Ty pecked his lips.

"You got your kisses. Happy now love?" Tyler giggled slightly.

"More kisses." Tyler leaned in, waiting for Ty. Ty rolled his eyes playfully and leaned in as well. He lovingly kissed him, cupping Tyler's face, pulling away only for air.

"I like kisses." Tyler smiled, blushing slightly.

"Good, because you can have as many kisses as you want."




I did it.

Are you proud of meh?

...I'm kidding. XD

But hey look, KiaKagamine777, a Brotatolox.

That's how the ship name is spelled right?

But how did this go from fluffy to emotional to fluffy, Anyway.

Bai peeps!

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