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"If you think about it--and I mean really think--time is a strange thing. The human race has learned to evolve, adapt, and live around a set of numbers.

"Time for them is like a formula. One which they have created and defined using their limited minds.

"For you, time determines reality. When someone's time is up, their reality is over. Lost. Forgotten.

"The dead have no conscious thought. No working memory of their experiences.

"But you," he was cut off by a soft chuckle that escaped his own lips.

"This is a place where there are no limits. A place with no numbers or schedules. No human order or perception. No reality."

"I still don't understand."

There was a gleam in his eyes that revealed a seriousness, hinted with roguery.

"It's best if you try not to."

The air that I struggled to inhale suddenly felt thicker.

"Welcome to the Trance."

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2020 ⏰

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