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I was frustrated, just irritating. How could one of my old friends tell me how to act. Okay sure he wasn't telling me how, but I felt like he was judging me. I felt as if, he thinks that I don't know myself.

Maybe I don't know who I like, but who does anyways. It takes time, you may think you like somebody but once you get to know them, it's not the same anymore.

It could be something like that.

I just left and went home. I started to think, what if I did get to know Shawn? Maybe we can start as friends. And Taylor? Well, he should accept the fact that maybe Shawn likes me and I like him.

I just received a text from Sammy addressing, "Why'd you blow off my bff." I rolled my eyes thinking that he's talking about Carter. "He's annoying." I text back.

"Ugh. You don't get it. And by the way, we aren't dating are we? Was it a joke or are you actually my boyfriend because I know someone who likes you."

"No. We aren't. And I already know who likes me. I'm going for him."

I contemplated this time and started googling, "how to know when you're becoming gay?" I guess it's not something that happens over night, it just comes to you. Either know or don't. I'm not sure though.

Then I remembered, the screenshots I've taken. The ones of Carter's nudes, and how I have a video of Shawn and I making out. I find these really uh, well, they turn me on, like a lot.

Oh my gosh. Wow. Good thing I have Shawn's snapchat. I scrolled to his username and opened the chat.

I typed:
Shawn do you want to come over?

ShawnMendes1 is typing...
Uh sure I'll come over just tell me your address..


"Wait what's up!" Shawn smiled as he walked down the stairs and into my bedroom. "Ah cozy loft you have." His eyes ponder around the room.

"Can I tell you something?" Shawn asks. "Why'd you invite me? I only came because I wanted to see you, other than that... I'm so nervous right now." He kept tapping his feet. I advised him to sit on my couch or bed and he agreed the couch would be more appropriate.

"I'm going to be so honest here. Well wait let me start one question at a time and I need you fully aware."

His cheeks rose up, "Always aware when you're around..." I almost wanted to kiss Shawn right there.

"Ah, oh. First thing, do you like me?" He gave me one of these weird looks like, out of upset. "MATT! DUH! Yes I like you okay!"

"Now do you like Taylor?"

"I mean I did but then you're the one who took care of me that night. Saw something in you that I didn't see in Taylor."

Yeah... it was the gay boy hiding in the closet.

"How about we do this. I want to know if I like you... I'm sorry that I don't know. I'm sorry that I led you on. But I'd like to give us a try." I scooted closer to him. "But... Taylor made things official with me last night." I sighed and put my head to my palms.

I felt his hands roam my arms as he pat my shoulder. "What if... this is bad of me.. Everyone thinks I'm so innocent... what if I date Taylor publicly but we can be something else behind doors?"

I let his words take over me and in no time, his legs were wrapped around my waist as I grinned myself in between him. "You're so mischievous.." I growled in his ear. "Only for you..." he whispered while tugging on my hair.

I lift him up while our lips still attached as I carried him a few feet toward my bed. "Mgmm.. never done this." Shawn mumbles into our kiss. "Me neither. Want to?" I ask while unzipping his sweater. I pull away and just breath along side him. "Yes?" I ask. He nods vigorously.

"I like you, and boys." I said, kissing his neck in between words and beginning to lift his shirt up as well. Before I could of gotten to his jeans there was a loud bang on my door.

"Ah fuck... I just want to.." I looked at his lips and quickly pecked them before walking up the stairs to my door.

Once I opened it I felt immediate regret and guiltiness. "Hey... Taylor." I smiled weakly. "Haha, hey, your hair is so messy kiddo." He scuffed my hair and went toward mini kitchen. I looked around the room and noticed that Shawn was nowhere to be seen. "Oh. I text Sam, he should be here soon."

Taylor made his way to my bed where he took off his shoes and laid down, crossing his legs and propping his head on his folded arms. "Hey, this is Shawn's maroon sweater. Well, he has one like this."

I chuckled awkwardly and went to get the door, for I guess Sammy. When I got there, I was welcomed by both Sammy and Carter. "Oh.. hey." I waved.

"So.. did you do it yet?" Sammy whispered. "Yeah. I did. I mean didn't." I can't have people know I like Shawn if he's dating my best friend.

Carter observed the room and I felt so weird. So much precious memories were everywhere. One thing could get him to snap and either be mad or emotional.

I was also worried where Shawn went. I wasn't sure where he could of been.

"Shawn.." I whispered while going to the other door which led to the backyard. "Shawn?" I called again. "Psst.." I heard him say but I didn't know where. "Come out oh my gosh." I soon found him behind the gate. "Hey, just come inside, please? Everyone is here. Keep me some company." I sighed.

Shawn end up coming inside. "Hey, how'd you get there from the backyard?" Taylor asked awkwardly as he got up to kiss Shawn. But he dodged the kiss and end up looking at me instead. I winked at him.

"So guys... were all at the same house once again. Let's not.. do anything dumb." I joked which caused Sammy and Taylor to do a light laugh.

Ah, really, lets not do anything we would regret.


I didn't mean for the story to turn out this way but I guess it just did... lol it was suppose to be catthew all the way but fuck it right INDEEEEED

- spooky dani

[ oct 18 ]

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