part 3

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(A/N thank you so much guys for reading this, hope you enjoying it! the last chapter kind of was the proper start to the book and gave you a few clues on what may happen, read on :D)

*The next day and Sadies POV*

I opened my eyes to a dark room but with a light beam peering through the curtains. 

I swung myself round with all the energy i had, which wasnt alot, to get myself out of bed.

I felt faint at first but soon managed to balance myself. 

I sat down on the hotels chair and thought about what happened last night...

the concert

the meet and greet



and zayns number!

i quickly grabbed my fully chaged Iphone and tried to find the photo that zayn had sighned. The room was so messy with make-up, clothes, bags and all those girly things. 

I soon found it though, it was under my handbag i had thrown on the floor yesterday night, along wit all my other stuff.

i dialed the number into my phone and saved it as Zayn, as i was writing his name, i couldnt quite believe it. I had Zayn Maliks phone number!

With my trembling fingers, i started typing and deleting the words, not knowing what to say so i just simply, in the end, wrote 'hey' and then i prepared for the long wait, which wasnt long at all. It was about thirty seconds before he replied.

Ni was still asleep, snoring, as usuall. She always snores, i feel sorry for her future husband!  

I tried to be as silent as possible, walking round the room looking at the text, over and over again like what i did to the sighned picture the night before.

the text from Zayn said 'hey hun, what you doing today?' 

He typed correctly, like, no slang, and i loved that! Unlike Ni who writes stuff that i dont even understand. 

I didnt even think before i replied i just said 'nothing, why you ask?' i probably was doing something  with Ni but this was alot more important to me, sounds harsh, but it was true.

Zayn quickly replied saying 'ok babe, same, you wanna meet up, lets say 12 at Hyde Park?'

obviously i said yes to it. 

i looked at the clock on my phone.

shit, it was 11:30.

i needed to get ready, wake up Ni, have breakfast and pack all my stuff...all in half an hour. Well, the breakfast could wait and Ni could meet us there. 

I quickly pulled on some black skinny jeans and a white tank top. I did my make-up and slid on a pair on white converses. I then packed my stuff, well, i screwed it all up and chucked it into my suitcase. 

I wrote a note to Ni-

To Ni, Last night was amazing. As you know, Zayn gave me his number, im meeting him in Hyde park. Give me a text when you wake up and il tell you where we are, come meet us with your stuff and we will catch the train tonight. 

Tooth brush in my mouth, i placed the scruffy note on her bed and creeped out the door, trying not to wake Ni up.

Yes, i felt bad leaving her but this was my dream, to meet Zayn and the we fall in love and have a happy life with children, two, a boy and girl, and we live in a big house in the countryside...Woah Sadi, getting abit carried away there!

I walked down the coridoor in my own little world again, think about all the possibilities that could of happened that day. 

I pressed the button for the lift and waited. 

When the doors finally opened, there was a tall figure stood in the corner with their hood over there head, hiding it. 

It made me feel really uncomftable being in the same lift as him. The sooner the lift ride was over, the better.

It (i didnt know the genger) didnt move an inch, until we got to the final floor. I wheeled my suitcase out of the lift as quickly as possible and power walked out of the hotel, wanting to get away from the dangerous looking figure. 

I kept walk and walking, not looking back, just wanting to get to Zayn.

Even though id only met Zayn once, he made me feel safe. When he hugged me yesterday night, he made me feel safe in his arms. 

The only was of getting to the park was through a alley.

Knowing that the intimidating person in the lift was still out there, near, i felt abit querry going down it but i knew it was the only way.

i closed my eyes and took a deep breath, people around me probably wondering what the heck i was doing. 

I took big strides down it, quick ones to, trying to make myself speed up.

In the end i think i jogged down it but i got out the other end alive!

Infront of me, was the park. 

It looked so lushouse and green in the summer sun. Sounds sad but it did. It was beautiful. 

I took a photo with my instagram and at the same time checked my messages, Ni hadnt sent me anything so i guessed she wasnt up yet. 

I walked over to the park and sat on a bench. 

The bench was oposit a water fountain. There were little children playing around it and throwing money  into it. It reminded me of what i would do when i was their age. 

I scanned around the park, taking in the beautiful surroundings. One thing caught me eye though...

a tall, buff, dark figure in the distance, walking towards me. 


This was a really short chapter, sorry! im going to try and upload one more chapter today :)

hope your enjoying it.

message me on twitter ideas for what should happen, i already have a rough idea. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2013 ⏰

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