Chapter 1

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*Faith's Pov*


The sound of my alarm clock. Waking me up from my dreams and returning me to my far less exciting reality. I hit it after the third ring and got up out of bed. I had to get ready for school. I found a cute light pink sundress and white sandal wedges. I curled my long dark brown locks into loose curls. I picked up my Iphone and opened my twitter. I don't know why I still use twitter. All it is is hate from One Direction fans. To be honest it is more annoying than anything. I guess I have gotten used to it though. None of it bothers me because none of it is true. In fact I have never even met One Direction in my life. I have met Harry. And even stil, I haven't seen him for years.

I close out of twitter and grab my purse and car keys. I walk into the kitchen of my one bedroom apartment and make myself a cup of coffee before heading to class. I take classes at NYU, but I live off campus. The drive to my first class isn't far. It takes no more than 5 minutes. I see my best friend Liv waiting outside the doors for me. I walk up to her smiling. Liv is my peanut butter to my jelly. Without her, life would be pointless.

"Faith!!" She says as if we hadn't just seen each other twelve hours ago. We have only been in school a week, but it feels like years. Classes have been harder than ever and we rarely have time to do things we love, so when we hang out we tend to lose track of time, even on school nights when we have to wake up at 7:00 in the morning.

"I brought you some coffee since I know you're not a morning person" I say and hand Liv the coffee. She smiles and graciously accepts the coffee.

"I don't know what I would do without you Faith" She says with a laugh as we walk into our literature class.

This class is both our favorite class since we both want to work at a publishing company. That's why we live in the city. There are so many opportunities here.

While our professor rambles on about random topics of his life that relates to stories, I can't help but think about my life.

I was born in Holmes Chapel, England. I spent pretty much all of my life there. I can't remeber one childhood memory that wasn't in Holmes Chapel. It was my home. I really only had one best friend while growing up and that was Harry. Harry Styles to be exact. It didn't really matter that I didn't have many other friends. I didn't need them. I had Harry and to us that was all that matter. We spent every waking moment together. We even share the same birthday. We shared inside jokes and laughed about nothing in particular. It was like nothing could break the bond that we had. Our mothers always joked about how one day we would fall in love and get married. We both just brushed it off because we were young and marriage never seemed to matter. It was like nothing in the world mattered as long as we were together. Our friendship lasted well into our teen years. Then We both turned 16. What we thought was going to be the best year of our lives turned into the worst. Harry decided to audition for the x-factor. I thought this was amazing news even though I wouldn't see him as much, but he loved singing and performing so I was happy for him. Then my father announced that he got an amazing job opportunity that payed 5 times as much as what he was getting at the time and that we would be moving to The United States. It felt as though my heart had been ripped out of my chest. We were moving on the same day that Harry would be auditioning. I was absolutely devastated that I wouldn't be at Harry's audition since I had told him that I would be there. I remember that night hanging out with Harry in our special place that, to this day, no one knows about. Harry completely understood my situation about not being able to be at his audition, where as I was an emotional wreck. My sobs were uncontrollable. I just couldn't imagine life without Harry. It was all that we had ever known. We made the most of those next 3 weeks. Until it was the day we were leaving. My family had an early flight and Harry was leaving early for his audition. Our goodbyes were sad and no one in either family had dry eyes. We had been so close that leaving almost seemed unreal. The drive down the familiar roads of Holmes Chapel to the airport was hell knowing it would be the last time I drove down them for a very long time. We boarded our plane and were off to New York.

I remember thinking that America was so much different than Holmes Chapel. We lived about two hours outside of the city.

The next week I started at the local High school. Schooling was so different, but somehow I managed. That is how I met Liv. We became instant best friends. I felt guilty for making a new best friend so fast, but I never forgot Harry. We skyped every night and talked on the phone. But eventually the calls became less frequent until they just stopped. It never really bothered me because I had Liv. We even went to college together to major in the same thing. But now I see Harry's face plastered everywhere and I can't help but think how it could have been if I had never left.

"FAITH!" I was brought out of my thoughts by Liv calling my name and shaking me. "Class is over. Haven't you been paying attention? Are you okay?" I don't know whether or not to tell Liv about my flashback, but I decide against it. She always felt like she would never be able to compare to the relationship Harry and I had and I didn't want her to start doubting herself again.

"Yeah everything is fine! I just zoned out for a little at the end. Do you wanna grab lunch or something then maybe go shopping?" With that Liv smiled and got into my car before we drove off to continue the rest of our day.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2013 ⏰

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