A little bit dead

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'Did you see her?'

'She's so weird'

Like I haven't heard that before

'It's no wonder she's a monster! I mean look at her hair!'

What has my hair got to do with anything?!

'I don't understand why a freak needs an education, no matter how much of a schooling it gets, it will still be useless.'

I'm an 'it' now am I?

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to 'see' my best friend Mac giving me a hard look. 'You know what they're saying isn't true, right? You'll never be useless.'

'Oh I know that.' I say with cocky smile, slinging an arm around his shoulder.

'Oh?' he said, skeptically, raising one brown eyebrow. 'Then why did you look like you were about to rip their heads off?'

I turned to the girls and rather loudly said, 'No, no, no. I was going to pull out their fingernails, chop them into little pieces, set them on fire, spread their ashes over the world then set the world on fire.' With a closed eyed smile at them I walked down the school corridor, with Mac laughing his head off behind me at the poor girls horrified expression.


'Oh my god! Did you see their faces! That was golden!'

'No! No I didn't. Blind, remember' I replied rather snappily, waving my hand in front of my covered eyes. Then realizing what I'd done, I quickly turned apologetic. 'Sorry, that was uncalled for.'

'They got to you didn't they.' I looked away. Suddenly he grabbed her chin and turned her to face him with a deadly serious voice. 'You look at me, and listen when I tell you, everything those gits said, they were lies! Horrible lies! You are not a freak, you are not a monster and you are not useless! Do you understand?'

'Yes Mother.' I said sarcastically, scowling.

'If you keep your face like that, it might get stuck that way. Just saying' he replied, his serious demeanor disappearing.

'Keep saying that, I might actually start believing it'

'Ok then, if you keep you face li-'

'Oh shut up.' I gave him a little punch, laughing. Only Mac could make me laugh after that. Walking out of the school gates we kept joking and laughing with each other, I was even able to ignore the whispers and stares that follow me everywhere I go. I may not be able to see things, but my hearing is amazing, like, I can hear the air shift slightly amazing, and all my other senses are inhuman too.

'You 'watching' Naruto tonight?' mac suddenly asked, doing that bunny ear thing when he said 'watching'.

'Of cause!'

'I still don't get how you 'watch' that show when your blind.' What he didn't know was that my eyes could actually see perfectly fine. I just didn't like people seeing my eyes, so I cover them. It calls some odd questions when you have one turquoise eye and one blood red eye.

'Uh duh... of course! Who do you think I am! Are you questioning my narutardness!' I said in mock anger.

'Narutardness?...' mac looked at me skeptically

'It's a word...' I replied defensively.

'Uh... no it's not.' He said flatly.

'Uh... yeh it is' I pouted defiantly.

'Am I going to win this argument?'

'Nope' I popped the 'p'.

'I figured as much.'

The sounds of cars rolling by soon made me clap my hands over my ears, in an attempt to stem the pounding noise. After a minute my ears adjusted, and I could pull my hands down and keep walking.

I will never get over those cars

I 'looked' up to sense mac was already part way across the road, but I could also sense another car speeding down the road.

Mac hadn't seen it.

'MAC MOVE!' I yelled as I hurtled towards my only friend. When I yelled he looked to where I was 'looking'. When he saw the car, he seemed to freeze. Why didn't he see it? Why hadn't he moved? I couldn't let him get hit! I wouldn't let him get hit! I could make it. He was worth it!

'DARCY!' coupled with the sound of screeching tires was all I heard. Then...


Everything went black.


Sorry I know it's a short chapter but well I didn't know how to make it longer, and I just want to get the story going. I have it all planned out in my head and want to get it down. So yeh, this is my first chapter of any fan-fic I have written ever. Don't judge. Constructive criticism is welcomed just don't be too harsh. Thx. =P

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