Mr Fridge

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Turns out that my new home is right next to Naruto. Cliché, right? Anyway the place looked just like Naruto's did in the anime except much cleaner. With out the personal touches he had given his mine felt cold and bare, it didn't feel like a home just yet.

One thing the small apartment stood out in comparison to the plain green walls was a full body mirror. My hands rose to the bandages around my eyes and gently pushed them up onto my forehead. Slowly I opened my eyes and looked in the mirror. I grimaced, just as ugly as ever. I looked into the face that had caused me so much physical and emotional pain over the years.

Memories of my classmates and my adoptive parents flashed through my mind,








Piece of crap


Oh the lovely people I knew. I know that the 'monster' and the 'piece of crap' remarks were lies because the people already had that covered and I apparently was 'different' from them... oh well. Moving away from the face I looked down at my out fit. It was very different to what I wore in my world and I couldn't help liking it. Black tank top, black boys shorts and a light blue scarf. I had bandages to cover all the scars. I was also wearing those dark blue sandal things.

Well I didn't need clothes from the shops now.

Oh lookey here! There's a fridge! Sweet baby Jesus, I am in love!

The sad thing was that when I opened it, ... there was nothing in it! So, so sad.

Don't worry mister fridge, I will get us food!

Step one: Shopping


Now I thought about it, I didn't have any money. I grabbed the directions that the hokage had given me and felt over the page.


In one of the symbols I could feel a bit of chakra intertwined with it. A seal. I pushed a tiny bit of my air power, or as I now knew it, chakra, into the seal and after a sudden poof I felt a medium sized bag drop into my hand with a distinctive jangle. I took a quick glimpse in the bag.

This should be enough to get me on my feet.

I pushed down my bandages back over my eyes and walked out of my new home.

After I finished doing the horrible shopping, (she isn't very girly) the next thing I needed to do was find a training ground, I wanted to see what I could do with my newfound chakra and how fast I was here. I had done plenty of mixed martial arts back when I was on... earth? Whatever, I had also been pretty fast too, if I do say so myself.

That reminded me, I had gotten some chakra weights to train with. They weren't the huge weights the lee and guy wore under their leg warmers, thank goodness, these were actually rings you put around your ankle, and lucky for me I could hide them with my bandages. I got them out, slipped them over my ankles and put my chakra in through the little deposit the man at the shop had shown me. I could felt my legs getting heavier and stopped once it felt like a good weight. I looked down at the little numbers telling me the weight and almost fell over in surprise.

200kg! I could have sworn it was 2kg. It doesn't feel that heavy... now I really do feel like lee and guy. Oh well. Let's test these things out.

I ran.

I AM SO SORRY AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! School started again, and all my teachers gave me heaps of homework! What teacher gives you homework on your 1st week!? As a matter of fact I am supposed to be doing homework right now. Also I couldn't figure haw to word this chapter, it is basically an intro to her speed, home and the fact that she actually can see. It also gives you an idea as to why she hides her eyes, so YAY for that. it is a bit shorter than the other chapters but i am starting the next chapter right now. Again I am so sorry! As before constructive criticism is welcomed just don't be too harsh. Thx. =P

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