Retrieve - A Hunger Games (Cato) Fan Fiction

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Hey there!

So I love the Hunger Games, I was watching it the other day and then I came up with this idea - what if the tributes don't die?

The idea gradually grew and then I decided to write a story about it, so here it is!

I probably won't update this often, as I have exams and a busy time coming up, but I'll try to write as often as possible. In the meanwhile, check out some of my other stories and become a fan on me, so that you'll get alerts when I do update!

Here is the Prologue of Retrieve. I hope you enjoy!



Her death had broken my heart.

I watched it happen, along with the rest of Panem, on a screen. I, like everybody else, did nothing.

What was there for me to do? That's what everybody had told me since. As if the fact that it would have been impossible for me to help her was any sort of comfort.

I sat there, in the warmth of the empty main hall of the Career school, staring at the projector whilst she froze in the ice. I was completely unharmed and healthy, whilst she lay dying in the snow, starved of food and bleeding from the side. I watched, with everybody else, as a single tear trickled down her cheek and she whispered a single, dying word. Nobody knew what it meant, nobody but I.


She had been my soulmate, my one true love. She was the only thing I cared about and now that she was gone, I was empty. I'd thought that she'd win - she truly was a skilled fighter and her skills had gotten her down to the last two. I'd been stupid enough to think that maybe, just maybe she could beat the giant brute from 4. How stupid had I been?

Her name was Selena. She was the most beautiful, smartest and overall amazing person I've ever met. I fell so deeply in love with her that I would have given my life in an instance for her to be safe. She was kind and gentle, yet had a hidden strength that she had been trained to use to her advantage since her birth just like me, as we were both Careers. She understood me like nobody else and saw past the harsh, protective exterior I put up. She loved me for what I was. Now she was dead.

Why had I not tried harder? I'd tried to volunteer in her place at the Reaping, I'd screamed and fought against the peacekeepers that restrained me, but the Capitol wouldn't accepted me. They said that a female volunteer had to come forward. I turned to plead with the girls, begging somebody to come forward. Nobody did. All the women around us, the girls who had grown up with Selena and could perhaps fight even better than she could, remained silent. For the first time since the founding of the Career Academy, nobody volunteered. Selena was kidnapped to the Capitol, and I didn't even get a chance to kiss her goodbye.

Selena was only 16 when she was reaped. She'd spent her entire life here in 2, spending her days in the Career Academy and her weekends at her parents house. But during the night? That was the time she spent with me.

We used to sneak out of our homes - she lived with her parents and two elder brothers, I lived alone - and meet beneath a huge oak tree on the edge of 2's forest. People aren't supposed to go into the forest, but Selena and I didn't care. We were brave. Reckless. We'd spend hours running through the trees, laughing and watching the animals as they went about their nocturnal lives. 2 is a beautiful place when you get past the peacekeepers and the Capitol's oppression. We lived for our nights in the forest, when we could be free and ourselves. Just us, Selena and Cato.

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