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You think me evil, darkness incarnate.
My name falls from
humans mouths,
and they speak of me
as if they will regret meeting me.

I am dark and light
between the streets at night,
the immortal being
of dark tendrils that grasp
for you while you sleep.

I'm the smile of
a secret lover,
that moment
of lust
on a youths lips,
you think you understand me,
but I am mysterious to all.

You've called me from your
mortal mouths,
puzzlement locked in your
gaze as well as delicious fear.

Oh! such a brilliant colour.
that adores your face when
eyeing me.


Like a blush that covers a shy maids face.
it is not your fault I confess.
it is my nature, to drink blood,
from those tender necks of yours that
tempt me.

I am not here to spook
your children before
bed time.
I am not a fairy tale human,
you should believe that,
because I am here and always am.

You whine all the time!
I am only a heartless monster
you cry.
You never understand
that I was once like you,
once a youth full of lust and charm,
once human.
All I am now is darkness with teeth.

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