Meeting her.

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It was Wednesday. The worst day because I had 3 tests to do and I hadn't studied yet. First hour- English, Test on The Crucible. I only skimmed it I wasn't to intrested in it. 'Why was Abigail such a bitch?' My only thought through the whole test. Probably scored a 60% on it. After the test I began scribbling on a sheet of lined paper I began drawing a girl. Though I can draw to save to save my life I still felt like drawing. The bell startled me as everyone quickly packed up and rushed out the door. I packed up slowly and put my music in full blast. Everyone says high school is the best time of your life because you always have friends well friends arn't really my thing so I'm usually alone in school. I walked through the halls with my music all the way up. I walked into the French class and she was already sitting in the class looking down at an empty desk. Her headphones were in and she looked oh so pretty just sitting there. I didn't know how long I was staring at her until she suddenly looked up at me and I saw her beautiful brown eyes looking at me. I quickly stumbled to my seat making a commotion as I did it. I saw her giggle slightly as she watched me fail. My anxiety erupted from my stomach and I suddenly got shakey. I wanted to cry but I held it back. I pulled out my quick write which of course had to be written in french. Today's topic was a free write so I could write about anything as long as it was in french. I began writing.
"Jolie, Beau, belle, charmant, est ce qu'elle signifie pour moi. Une jolie fille comme elle devrait être traitée comme un princesse"
"Taylor?" I looked up to see the whole class staring at me. "What?"
I hadn't even noticed he called on me "would you care to share your quick write?" He said sounding annoyed.
"Oh um.. sure, we'll no not really actually.." I said as I looked down at my paper.
"Okay, fine who would like to share?"
"I'll share" a quiet voice said
I looked up quickly straight to Sarah and she was looking right at me.
"I wrote it in a poem fourm" she added
"Alright thank you Sarah."
She began to read "Elle yeux tellement brillant avec elle une peau claire, regardez, je regarde comme elle évite de ma consternation qu'elle est à l'infini grâce à mes yeux." She then looked up at me as I was already staring at her. "Wow.. okay, a few errors but thank you Sarah, next..?" I finally broke eye contact when the teacher passed back our old test scores I looked down for half a second then when I looked back up she looked away. Damnit. I was kind of pissed at her. Why did she say that?? Was it about me or someone else?? It had to be about me right? I kind of wanted to yell at her or see why she did that. "Test corections for half credit due tomorrow, I will collect them tomorrow. I looked down. I scored a 37/40 on it, I didn't need to do corrections. I looked over to see Sarah and her disappointed look. "Taylor." The teacher called me up to his desk. I walked up there and smiled at me "Nice score on the test, would you care to help Sarah on test corections? She got 19/40. "
My stomach turned at the thought of talking to her. "M-me.?" My voice was cracked sounding. "Yes you, you're who I called up right?" God Damnit that was stupid to say. "Yes sir. My apologies" I said and began walking away "Merci, Taylor" He said with a smile. I gave him a half smile as I walked up to Sarah. "Uh k was asked to help you with your quiz make up.." I said quietly. "I know, I asked him to have you help me." She said with a smirk. I was startled that she just said that to me. "Oh r-right" I sat down in the empty seat next to her. She looked at me and laughed quietly. "What?" I asked curiously. "Nothing just the scar above your eye is kinda cute." She said giggling again. I pushed my hair in front of my face to hide the scar. "I got it when I was little." I said trying to fix my hair to keep the scar out of sight. I looked up at her and she was already looking at me. I was getting mad, why is she acting flirty to me? God Damnit.
"Really." Sarah said breaking my zoning out moment.
"What?" Did I do something wrong??
She pointed to the word that said 'réalité' on my test paper that had a red slash through it. "I thought of it like this is really reality." She spoke again. "Oh, okay I thought it was Reality." I said as I fixed my mistake on the test.
Sarah smiled at me and I quickly looked away. Her smile faded.
"Why do you do that?" She asked kind of mad sounding.
"Look at me and then when I smile at you or something you look away or avoid me. What are you afraid of?" She said irritated at me.
"I, I don't know. I'm sorry-" as I was about to finish Sarah grabbed her stuff and walked out of the class room. Then I realized the bell rung for 3d period. Gym.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2015 ⏰

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