Chapter 2

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Since my mom was gone I decided I was going to go to Emma-lee my best friends house so Emma and I have been best friends since grade 6 she's like a second sister to me,people say that once you leave grade 7 u you lose contact with ur friends but Emma and I have stayed together, I got in my range rover and drove to Her house, normally I don't even tell her I'm coming I just show up at her house, her house is about 10 minutes away so I decided to turn on the radio and 5sos bran new song 'hey everybody' was playing so I turned the volume up to full and sang along to the song, after I fangirled over thee Amazing gorgeous luke hemmings at a red robot and got looks from the cars next to me,I finally arrived at Emma's house, I climbed up a ladder that led to her room, after nearly killing myself by tripping over my stupid feet, I got to her window and let myself in "Hey bitch I'm here " I said as I walked in, I heard the shower going and Emma singing along to her music,I decided to hide under her bed and scare her wen she came out, so I quickly ran over to her bed and slid underneath, after about ten minutes under her bed I started to get a cramp so slid out from the opposite side of the bed
When I started walking to her door I just kicked in the back of the leg and got tied up with rope around my feet and hands "AHHHHHHHH!!!!!" I screamed  'this is it I'm going to die a lonely life with a hundred imaginary cats ' I thought out loud when I got cut out of my thoughts with Emma Lee killing herself laughing "Omg Holly you scared me and I heard noises so I got a rope and a pocket knife. I'm- " she couldn't speak because she was laughing so much, I just gave the look that said 'if you don't untie me I will bloody stab you with your knife of yours ' and she quickly untied me but she was still laughing her head off "Wait where did you learn how to do that" I said as I pointed to the rope,she just gave me an evil smile and walked into her closet "So holly what are you doing here anyway" She said "Well my mom is out and I got bored so I thought since your mom is going away this weekend we go to a party at Zach's " Emma Lee wasn't really a party person until I met her now she goes to more parties than I do "Hell Yeah, Zach is hot and so is his friends " Emma said while fanning her face with her hands " God your an idiot,ZACH'S MINE!!" I playfully shouted, so let me tell you this Zach is the jock of the school but also the nerd that why I liked him,I never really spoke to him but when I did, it was amazing, he's got black hair, blue eyes, perfect jawline and I haven't even mentioned his V-line and no I am not a stalker,I just watch him play football after school and on hot days he takes his shirt off, wait maybe I'm a bit of a stalker but who can blame me, he's aradorable- I got cut out of my thoughts when a hand was slapped to my cheek "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR!" I shouted while rubbing my cheek " holly you were dreaming of Zach again weren't you" a shade of pink found its way onto my cheeks "C'mon" Emma said while dragging me out of her room down the her stairs " Where we going " I said "well Holly that is for me to know and you to Find out " before I could say anything I was put in her car, I decided not to question where we were going and just let Emma do what she does best, kidnap me, after about 20 minutes in the car she stopped it and put a blindfold over my eyes and duck tapped my mouth before I could say anything, after about another 10 minutes we stopped and she led me out of the car,she stopped me and told me to take the blindfold off "Wow Emma" I said as I stared at our old school right infront of the class room where we first met "you like " she said with a huge smile on her face, I quickly turned around to face her and my eyes welled up with tears, I quickly ran and jumped into her arms "Emma I love it, Thank you so much " I said while crying into her shirts, we had been friends for 6 years now and they were the best 6 years of my life, after we had both stopped crying,we decided to go the Mall to go get something to eat "HOLLY NO WE ARE GETTING PIZZA!" Emma shouted while laughing "EMMA DO YOU WANT ME TO BEAT YOUR SORRY ARSE, WE ARE GETTING KFC" I shouted while laughing after about 10 minutes of arguing we decided to get some KFC and a box of pizza, we walked into a restaurant and sat down, when I felt a pair of eyes staring into the back of my head, I turned around to see the one and only biggest bitch of them all Merlyn

Hey ppl so my actual best friends name is Emma-lee and we all call her Emma and my name is Emma so yeah, the picture I put on the top is The one and only Emma-lee
Sorry I haven't updated in a long time, it felt like years so yeah hope u guys enjoy
Love my crazy llamas Xx
And don't forget to follow Emma-lee on instagram and press the like button
Thank u Xx

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