Mike X Vincent

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Just picking random ones. I've never seen this one before, so I decided to write it. You can definately suggest any sort of pairing, with however many people you want, but I won't do any "human animatronics" ok? Also, NO OCs. NONE AT ALL. DON'T EVEN ASK ABOUT THEM. Votes are appreciated, but not at all neccesary. Happy lemon picking.

A dark purple figure heard the sound of heavy metal footsteps clomping past him down the hall. The sound of the steel doors going up echoed soon after. He grinned.

"Stupid fucking robots wasting all my power." Mike said, his lip curling.
What was he even doing this job for, he would get paid next to nothing for almost getting brutally murdered every night five days a week.
Not missing a beat, he roared down the hall, "What!" sounding like a pissed off bear.
Nothing. Then, again but closer.
"Mikey" It sounded like a guy, closer too. Maybe one of those goddamn robots learned a creepy new trick.
His eye twitched. He didn't want to leave the office, but it looked like he was going to have to. It's what he was paid to do, guard the place.
He stuck his head out into the left hall, grabbing a flashlight with one hand, the other on the door button. Hmph... weird. He thought he saw a flash of not Bonnie colour purple darting into a room.
He rolled his eyes and huffed. He'd have to check it out now.
Turning on the dim flashlight, he ventured down the hall, swinging the flashlight wildly at shadows and swearing under his breath.
Just as he was walking past the supply closet, arms shot out and dragged him headfirst into the closet, tripping over a stragetically placed broom.
"What the fuck!" He yelled in the dark, swinging a fist at the shadows. To his surprise, he actually hit something. He felt teeth cut his knuckles.
"Damnit." He hissed, bringing his hand to his chest.
"Uh, hello? Sorry for hitting you..." He tried.
He was alarmed to hear dark chuckling and a scraping sound. Black shadows writhed on the wall.
Mike swallowed and felt for the door. Instead he found a hand.
A passionate kiss was placed on his surprised lips and he protested, while feeling a stirring in his... nether regions. Whoever she was, she was a good kisser. He leaned into the kiss, deepening it. A tongue licked his lower lip, asking for entrance. He opened his mouth and let her in. A faint taste of... grapes? Her tongue explored every inch of his mouth then wrapped around his in a struggle of dominance. He let her win... for now. If she took it any farther, she would find him on top. She hummed into his open mouth, the vibrations tickling his tongue. He tasted blood, and was sorry he had lashed out.
Mike broke the kiss and brought his hand to her mouth, stroking it with a finger.
"Sorry I hit you." He murmered. Then he felt "her" chin and the stubble on it.
"ACK!" He screeched, flailing around, knocking the guy away.
"Get off! I'm not gay!"
He sat in the corner of the supply closet panting with his hands on his knees. He heard a purrlike growl, then felt a touch on his cheek. He froze.
"Please stop." Mike said quietly.
Two white orbs appeared suddenly, very near his face.
"Why, my dear sexy Micheal, would I ever do that?" The stranger's voice said huskily. Mike found himself crushed against the wall with the man's next kiss. He tried to keep his mouth closed against the passionate onslaught, but the sudden hand down his pants made him gasp.
The talented hand played with his balls as he was kissed into submission. Mike was so distracted by the pangs of pleasure he forget to fight him.
This man was making him gay. A disturbing thought, but he was starting to come around to it. He gripped the man's shoulders, deepening the kiss once more; he decided to give in and enjoy this.
"What's your name?" He asked as he trailed his lips past the other's ear.
"The name's Vincent." He purred back, unbuttoning Mike's light blue shirt with his slender fingers. Mike quickly returned the favour. Vincent nibbled on his earlobe, swiftly moving onto his neck, tapping his teeth along the sensative skin.
"You taste delicious, dear Micheal." He muttered against his collerbone. When he reached Mike's nipple, he paused in his oral exploration of Mike's body and began to suck. Mike moaned at the waves of pleasure coming from Vincent's mouth and scraped his fingers down Vincent's back. Vincent caught his injured hand and brought it to his mouth, licking the blood off of it, all the while staring Mike in the face with his luminous white eyes.
Letting go of his hand, he traced Mike's six-pack with his tongue while slowly undoing his belt.
"Vincent... faster." Mike moaned, his eyes shut.
Vincent grinned against his stomach, then swiped his long tongue down Mike's goody trail, pulling down his pants at the same time. Mike shivered, moaning softly, "Faster."
"Shhhh." He whispered, then he guided Mike's hands to his own belt, leaving him to undo it. Mike fumbled to do it in the dark, but got it undone eventually. Vincent placed warm kisses down Mike's side while he pulled down his pants.
Mike saw Vincent's teeth glimmer as he traced a cool finger down Mike's stomach, this time not stopping. Mike's boxers slid off and Vincent stroked his hardness gently with his fingertips. Mike shivered.
"Come on already Vincent. Stop being a tease." He whispered between clenched teeth.
"I shall tease as I wish, Micheal. I am on top here." Vincent said. Mike frowned. He was not a submissive. With a low growl, Mike pinned Vincent to the floor.
"Hmmm~" He dragged Vincent's boxers off and turned him around. Vincent stiffened at this sudden turn-around but played along with it. For now.
Mike lined himself up with Vincent's hole and slowly sank himself in, deeply seating himself before waiting for a signal to continue. An impatient buck of Vincent's hips gave him his answer. He began to thrust slowly into him, his tight hole constricting his cock in various pleasurable ways. Vincent began moaning as Mike panted and increased his pace.
"There Micheal, right there!" He groaned as Mike angled his hips slightly upward, driving into him.
Mike felt a building pressure in his lower belly, letting out a growl of almost pain as it increased. He was railing into Vincent like a battering ram at this point, holding Vincent's hips to better slam himself into him.
Mike threw his head back and let out a roar of satisfaction as he shook from spasms of pure pleasure. Hot white cum shot out of him, deep into Vincent's tight hole.
He stood for a minute, catching his breath, still firmly seated within Vincent. Vincent waited until he withdrew to turn around and pin him to the floor, straddling his chest, as he kissed Mike senseless. He slowly inched his way up Mike's chest until his rock hard six inches was at Mike's mouth.
Mike hesitated, this would be the final thing really, to confirm he was gay. 
Vincent leaned down and purred roughly in his ear. "Now, Micheal, it's time to satisfy me."
Mike inwardly said "to hell with it" and took Vincent into his mouth. Girls did it all the time, right? It can't be too b-!
He almost choked as Vincent bucked his hips, sending the tip of his cock to the very back of Mike's throat. He began to suck and swish his tongue around it so that Vincent wouldn't do that again.
Mike began to enjoy it, being the master of Vincent's moans and other noises that indicated his pleasure. He wickedly gave a pull that rivaled a vacuum cleaner and saw Vincent's glowing white eyes half-close in exctasy.
"That's it Micheal. Make me cum." Vincent groaned as he slightly thrusted into Mike's willing mouth. Mike felt Vincent's rock hard shaft twitch before releasing his hot seed into his mouth. Under no circumstance was he going to swallow, so he held it in his mouth until Vincent withdrew and spit it into a corner. Vincent's eyes looked wider than usual in the dark and Mike grinned. He can't have done too badly.
Mike yelped in shock as he slammed against the wall of the closet.
"W-what?" He asked breathlessly, confused.
"You didn't really think that I would stop at that, did you?" Vincent growled.
Mike felt something hard slide down his asscrack and stop at his hole. He moaned.
"Vincent... do it."
Mike felt a burning pain as Vincent slid into him slowly. He bucked his hips to shove him in farther. Vincent panted and thrusted while smoothly jacking Mike off at the same time. They moaned as they came. Vincent into Mike and Mike on the floor.

They lay panting breathlessly on the floor. Mike cleared his throat.
"Yes Micheal?"
"Do you think you could never ever do this to me again?"
Vincent grinned.
"No promises"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2016 ⏰

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