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The lake was located in a secluded area of the town we were in. We parked the cars the closest to the lake we could and then had to walk almost a mile through a natural trail into the woods. At the end of the trail, was the most breathtaking view. A small sort of pier, on top of the clearest body of water, a small lake surrounded by nature. We were thankfully the only people there, and all I wanted to do was to breathe it all in.
"Beautiful, isn't it?" Stephen whispered to my ear, startling me.
"God, you scared me Stephen. And yeah, it is beautiful. I just want to look at it all day."
"It would be a shame to miss the water though, don't you think?" Why is he being so adorable all of a sudden?
" go ahead with the others, I'll just stay in the pier for a while."
"Care if I join you? I believe we should talk. And this place is so peaceful I'm sure nothing will become a problem."
"Sure. Just...don't do anything suspicious. Lena already knows and that's enough for me."
"Yeah...Edward told me about them last night...what do you think?" He says while we start sitting in the furthest edge of the pier.
"I think...they're both adults, and they've been friends for many years now. So no one will understand better than themselves what's going on and what should happen."
"Yeah, you're actually about us, what do you think?"
"I...I don't know. We don't really know each other, we met a couple days ago and were really drunk last night. I don't think we should have done what we did." I say, but for some reason saying those words out loud makes my eyes watery.
"Why? I mean I know we didn't think much before doing it, but why would you regret it? Was it that bad?"
"It has nothing to do with you...don't you realize? We will be working together, Stephen. How will we see each other at work having done what we did?"
"Whoa first off, we will not be working together together, we will be in very different departments and I'm pretty sure I won't be seeing you often there, specially because part of my job is outside the office. Second, aren't we talking like normal people right now? Even if we are talking about what happened, it's not like it suddenly erased any possibility of interacting in a civil manner."
"Yeah, youmre probably right...It's job, my profession is the only thing I have, even if it doesn't make me completely happy. And I wouldn't like to ruin it for a crazy weekend that shouldn't have happened."
"And as it concerns me, it will not interfere with your job. I promise. I will do anything to keep this weekend just like a sacred memory, and wil keep it like that." He says, holding my hand and looking at me, and just then I turn my head to the side to look into his eyes, and say a sincere "thank you, I really appreciate it." He answers with a smile, and we stay like that for a while more, until we both decided to listen to the water's calling.


A couple hours and thousands of laughs later, we all head back to the cabin to get ready to go out for dinner and, of course, dancing.

This time, I wear a pair of flat black shoes Lena let me use because my wedges killed my feet last night. I pair them with a strapless burgundy dress, braiding my long hair into a dutch side braid, which is an all time favorite of mine. I put on heavy eye makeup and simple accesories, limiting to a golden necklace with angel's wings that reach just above my breasts, golden round studs and my golden watch.

When I get out of the room, the only one in the living room is Stephen, who's wearing plain dark blue jeans, with an emerald green shirt, which makes his dark green eyes look brighter. As he senses me, he turns around and stares with his mouth ajar. "Holly shit. You look stunning, Emerson. Really, really beautiful."
"Thank you." I reply with a smile. What else could I say? You look pretty hot with that shirt? Yeah, not happening. Instead, I continue with "where are the others?"
"The couples are still in the guest house and Edward, Chris, Spencer and Brad are outside waiting."
"So am I the first woman on being ready? Cool!"
"Yes you are. And the most beautiful, too."
"Stephen, stop it. Please."
"Why? Are you afraid we could repeat last night?"
"Stephen, I'm serious. I told you earlier that I don't want last night to interfere with my job, and-"
"And I promised it wouldn't. And it won't. But you shouldn't let your job interfere with your weekend fun either, should you?" He cuts me off. And is completely right. Damn you, Stephen Gilley.
"You might be right. I'm sorry. I really enjoy being around you, it's just-" and then he shuts me up with a kiss. Yes. A fucking kiss. I didn't know people actually did that. When I realize he wants me to respond to the kiss, I surrender to it and start kissing him back with the same passion he is kissing me. Grabbing my face, then moving his hand to the back of my head, bringing me closer to his mouth, if that's even possible. Entering his tongue, playing with it around my mouth as if it were its own, not mine. With his other hand moving on my back, to my lower back, moving us to the couch, positioning himself on top of me, moving one hand to my thigh, while caressing my face with the other. "You are driving me fucking crazy. I need you" leave his lips and I stop my roaming around his pants and open my eyes to see his bloodshot.
"Stephen, no. We're in the middle of the living room and anyone could walk in on us. You're making it really hard for me to avoid you."
"And you won't stop making me hard", he says sitting up. "I meant what I said. I really like you, Emerson. That's why I asked you to join me to lunch the other day. You're strong, you do what you want without letting anyone hold you back. I really admire you, and enjoy your company. Plus, you're so beautiful and sexy, without even trying. I feel drawn to you, and I'm really sorry if that makes you uncomfortable, but that's how I feel. And I can't help it."
Ok, I believe him. How can I not, when his eyes are obviously saying the same words that leave his lips. Those sexy lips. "Stephen, I..."
"You don't have to say anything, really, Emerson. Just please, if you like me back, let me have you for the rest of the weekend, without talking about anyone's job or profession or anything. Just let me have you."
Holly shit. "Fine." I say with a sincere smile. Which he takes as a cue to give me a soft kiss, which I take willingly.
"You should probably retouch your hair, I might have slightly ruined it."

After that, we go outside with the others and depart as soon as all of us are ready. We go to a cozy italian restaurant, with flowers and vintage stuff everywhere, some of us order pasta and others ordered pizza. We shared seven bottles of an italian wine recommended by the chef, along with laughters and promises that this weekend should be repeated.

After that, we go straight to the same club as last night and pick two tables at the furthest end. After much dancing and a little bit less drinking than last night, Stephen and I go outside to take a breath from everything, and start talking about us, as individuals, what keeps us going everyday. At some moment we stop talking and Stephen grabs my face and kisses me gently, caressing my face as softly as a feather, touching my jaw, my cheeks, my neck...we go on like that for a couple minutes, until he gently separates from me with a soft peck, looking me directly in the eyes; then, a smile breaks into his face and he suddenly says, "Emerson, close your eyes. And don't open them until I tell you to do so, ok?"
"Why? What are you doing?" I say more curious than worried.
"Can you trust me? Just close your eyes", he answers in a serious tone that leaves me no option but to obey him.
I sense him moving around me and some seconds later he says "ok, open now."
I do as I'm told and see him holding a white pebble, shaped like a uneven heart. "I know this must look corny and childish. But tomorrow we will both get back to our normal lives and I want you to take something with you that will remind you of this weekend...of me. I know we will not be a couple nor am I expecting that much from just a couple of days meeting you, but I believe we have shared something special, not just our bodies, and I want this to be a symbol of it, and like I said, of the weekend in general."
"Stephen...that was beautiful, and of course I will remember this weekend. It was the best. And you know it's hard not to have a good time in Edward's getaways." I say, taking the rock and seeing it from all angles, and then handing it back to him. "Although, you might want to keep it until we get back to the cabin because I don't have anything to put it in and I might lose it."
"Of course." He says taking the pebble and putting it into one of his front pockets, then kissing me again, which I return willingly.

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