Painful life

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Your POV

These usual things happen. Getting up. Get school uniform on. Get hurt by Uncle Troi, then leave for school. I don't let Troi hurt me, I fight back. But, He just gets to one point where, he stabs me, and I can't get back up.

Now, here I go. Going back to school. Covering up my terrible scars. Oh God. I'm scared. I hope the bullies are sick. They probably aren't though. Like always.

Time skip

When I got to school, I headed over to the principle's office. I wanted to see if there were any kids I could help yet.

"Why, yes there is. They're coming in right now." The principal said, gesturing over to the door. I went over to the door, and held it open for the... 1...2... 7 Kids?! That's a lot of new kids.

"(Y/n), please welcome; Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, Michelangelo, April, Karai, and-" the Principal was cut off.

"And I'm Casey Jones. The Lord of awesomeness." This so called Casey said.

"Call me Leo, if you please." Leonardo said ever-so polite.
I looked over to the literal Red-Head. "What?" He asked.
"Do you have a nickname?" I asked.
"Why does it matter?" Leo shoved him.
Raphael growled. "I'm Raph."
Michelangelo did a cute pose. "And call me Mikey! The cute one!"
I couldn't help but let out a giggle.
"C-Call me Donnie." Donatello stuttered.

"Donnie? Why did you stutter? Do you like her better than me? I mean, you just met her." April questioned.

"No. She just, kinda worries me with the scars on her face." Donnie replied.

Everyone tried taking a closer look, but, I was fast enough to cover my face, so they couldn't proceed to do so.

The other two girls just kinda ignored it all, and waved back to me.

"So, are we just gonna stand here and do nothing? Or are we gonna get this show on the road?" Karai spoke

Donnie... I think it's love. (DonatelloxBullied!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now