Saved From The Apocolypse

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" And how does that make you feel when your brother steals the attention away from your parents ?"

Great , now its me next and we only just started , I hate going to these support groups , talking about feelings and shit. They don't even understand me so why should I even explain, they will never understand what its like to live with a severely disabled brother with Asperger's syndrome, only Jay will.  I remember when my younger brother Ryan was first diagnosed , it was as though he could get away with murder , his aggressive behaviour worsened and I was his main target , I had to cover up the bruises and scars he left me , but I am not abused, its not his fault and I love him regardless.

" Aria?" whispered Jay

" what ?!?!?" I said aggressively whilst trying to hide my bruised arms from yesterdays meltdown , I don't mean to be so aggressive , it just happens.

" its your turn" said jay , he didn't even react to my aggressive behaviour - probably used to it. Jay was the kind of person who - regardless of my snappy attitude- was there for me. He noticed the scaring years ago and tried to ask me about it but I just shot him down. He told me he understood and showed me his beatings and then I realised that i'm not the only one who suffers , maybe that's why me and Jay are so close.

" Aria , could you please answer the question?" the leader said in a polite tone when at the same time pushing up her "old lady glasses" making her look like a person too big for their own boots.

" I don't want to talk about , just please leave me alone" i said whilst sliding my chair back roughly making it land on its back then escaping the atmosphere by stomping across the carpet with my phone suffocating in my hand to the supply  closet on the other side of the building.

" she knows why i don't like talking about it , so why does she keep asking me?" I said to myself whilst fighting the temptation to punch a wall. I came closer to the tiny closet big enough to only fit two people. The closet was like my safe house , I could go there anytime and feel so much better.

" Its because she wants to help" said a mysterious voice that entered my ears like music and was coming closer, it caused my heart to race at a million miles a minute. I didn't expect anyone to answer that but I sooned calmed down as I realised it was only Jay.

We both walked into supply closet together in silence , but it wasn't one of those awkward silences that was so thick it could be sliced through by a knife. It was a comfortable silence. I guess that shows how happy me and Jay are in each others company. Before , when i came to the closet by myself, I didn't let anyone near me because i was afraid that i might hit them. But when me and Jay got to know each other i started to trust him deeply. I remember when we first talked it was like an instant connection.

We both sat against the closed door and talked

" So what did Ryan do to you yesterday?" he asked in a protective tone. That is something I admire Jay for- his ways of always protecting me, but sometimes I think he doesn't even realise that he's doing it half the time. I laughed at the thought.

" Usual, kicking , biting , scratching , punching " I shuddered at the flash back " what about Paul?" I asked Jay. Paul was Jay's younger brother , he has the same condition as my little brother.

" Yeah , same as you really, usual stuff" said Jay . It was strange , most people talk about school and stuff they're comfortable with , but for us , this was apart of everyday life , our usual conversation, and we accepted that this is the way it goes for us.

We sat and talked in the small closet for what seemed like hours but was merely minutes until we heard a loud scream from the main room. Jay and I both looked at each other in fear. We stood up in anticipation and opened the door slightly. As we looked out we could see something in the darkness come towards us slowly, it was walking with a limp and moaning.

" We need to help him , he looks like he's in pain" i said frantically whilst trying to push Jay out of my way so i could get closer.

" NO Aria , you stay here i'll see if hes okay" i agreed , i didnt want to get on the bad-side of Jay, ive only seen it once and don't want to see it again. 

" hello , Sir are you okay" Jay said concerningly . The man came closer into the light as he heard Jay's voice.

I started to feel nervous for some reason , it was as though the man was moving slowly building up tension as each passing step seemed like a mile for him but at the same time moving so fast as though he hadn't saw a decent meal in weeks.

The man came into the light and i couldn't believe my eyes. The man looked like a corpse that had been dragged out of its grave and half eaten, it looked like one of the people who was at the group, but it couldn't be , could it? He only had half a face and his clothes were torn. Fresh blood consumed his entire left torso and dripped with every move he made. His bones were sticking out of his skin making him look like he just came out of a car crash , his whole body looked thin. He  moved closer to Jay with a look of hunger and desperation in his eyes. He slowly hurdled towards Jay , i could see  his distrubing features clearer now. Skin muddy and torn, haning parts of decomposed flesh clung to his lower jaw and each passing movement built up the fear in me and i could see the fear in Jay overtake him.

" Run Jay , come back in here , he's going to hurt you !!" i said frantically and Jay ran towards me , my pulse was racing as the monster quickened , it nearly got Jay and my heart was in my throat. Jay made back into the closet with me and we barricaded the door with what ever we could find.

It was trying to break the door down and moaning at the same time , we both put our weight against the blocked door and that seemed to help but the monster was getting more aggressive and fighting more. Fear took over my veins and i hugged into Jay , he help my hand so tight , i was shocked it didn't fall off due to the lack of blood supply it was receiving from the constriction. The monster didn't stop fighting their , burns occured on my hands from the friction off the carpet caused by the monster pushing the door. My hands stung and blood started seaping from my sweaty palms.

The monster nearly broke the door down and my fear was bursting out of my ears, my heart was racing so fast that it felt as though it was going to leap out my chest. I heard more moans now , they were pushing against the door , what are we going to do if we cant hold one back.


Hope you liked it because ive had this idea for a while and tried my hardest LOL

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