*Chapter 14*

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*Brooklyn's P.O.V*

I didn't understand what just happened? I felt like I wasn't in control of what I was saying? Now I'm afraid that by the time I try to tell Harry this, Lou will be all of just a memory. "Oh My God, he's going to kill him" I sobbed. Liam came over to the side of the bed, and knelt down. "Love don't worry, Harry's just angry" "Yeah, he'll calm down" Niall added.

*Zayn's P.O.V*

That girl is really pathetic! I think the next time that the lads leave me alone with her, I'll suck her blood until she goes limp? Maybe even tell the boys that she ran away, but really I'll just drop her off in a dumpster. She doesn't even deserve to be dropped off in a dumpster, that's how much of a piece of shit she is.

I mean really look at how much of a bitch she is blaming all of this on Lou. When it was me who healed her. Haha I just love my new power! Being able to heal her, and control what she says. Life for me is pretty great. To bad soon this little girls life will come to an end. Oh well.

*Brooklyn's P.O.V*

"I'm a monster!" I kept screaming into Liam's chest. Banging my fist against his wall like structure. "Shh, no your not. You were just protecting yourself" Liam said trying to sooth me, and rub circles on my back with his thumb.

I was going to tell Liam that it wasn't Lou, it was all Zayn, but instead of not being able to control what I said, I couldn't say anything. I looked from Liam, to Niall, and finally Zayn. Who had an evil smirk plastered all over his face. That mother fudger was doing this! If I could speak, I would say a couple of dirty words!

I looked at Liam with pleading eyes. "It'll all be okay love" he whispered into my left ear. It'll all be okay

It'll all be okay

It'll all be okay

It'll all be okay

I kept saying that over and over in my head. But nothing changed. I still felt like poop, the walls were banging from Harry and Lou fighting, and yelling was heard through out the house like; How could you?! and you son of a bitch! I cringed at the words being thrown at Lou. It wasn't his fault.


...Somebody... Please...

I got up from my spot next to Liam on the bed, and charged past Zayn. If I couldn't speak, then I would just have to act. I pushed him out of my way, making sure I knocked him against the door frame, and took off running and searching for the room they were in.

I checked almost every room on this floor, and I came to the last one. The door knob was rattling, and I could here things being thrown around. Books hitting the door, and lamps breaking against the hard wood floor. I began slowly reaching out for the handle. My hand was shaking, and I think that my knees would soon give out.

I wasn't prepared for what I would see. Or who I would see.


I really do love Zayn, but I just needed a more darker and evil character, so please no hate. Well after this chapter I'm going to wait tell I have at least 500 reads, or 17 votes to upload another chapter. I'm almost down with the next one anyways, so as soon as I reach my goal, I'll post.

-Jennie ♡

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